Sisters - Chapter 85

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-Sorry, Jaemin... - You say and he knows what it means. You couldn't reciprocate his feelings.

-Don't apologize. But it's your fault. – He says and you pause in confusion. – It's your fault for being so gorgeous. – He jokes with a smirk, and you scoff.

-Flirty. – You say shyly looking away.

-Sorry, princess. I can't change that. – He says, starting to walk again. – Let's come back.

          Meanwhile, at Jeno's mom's house, Jeno finishes eating his dinner. Sighing heavily, he stands up from the table, taking his plate to the kitchen to do the dishes.

-I can do it. Go to the living room and rest before you come back. – His mom says, but he shakes his head.

-Yu still got to eat. Put her dinner while I do this. – He says, turning the faucet on.

-Yu! Dinner is ready! Come to eat! – His mom says, getting no answer from the little girl. – She is really mad this time, ugh. She hasn't got out of her room, even after calling her for the dinner. Normally she is always hungry. – She says and Jeno sighs again. If he could turn back time, he wouldn't have been so harsh on her. You were her friend, after all. Actually, even more than that. Jeno sighs, scratching his head.

-I'm gonna talk to her. – He says and his mom smiles, kissing him on the shoulder.

          Jeno walks to Yu's room, which door is closed. He knocks on the door and waits a second. Even though she was his little sister, he respected her privacy and always taught her how to be treated by the others, so he always knocks.

-Yu, can I come in? – Jeno asks, but only silence is heard. – Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you. It was my fault. – He says next to the door. Finding it weird that she wasn't answering after saying that, he decided to open the door. – Yu, I'm coming in, okay? – He says slowly opening the door. He frowns right away, looking around and not finding the little figure. – Yu? Yu? – He says searching for her in the room. Running to the kitchen again, he looks at his mom desperate. – Yu is not here, mom.

          His mom widens her eyes, immediately getting chills on her spine, getting caught by the fear of the sudden phrase pronounced by Jeno.

-What? Did you search under the bed? Inside the wardrobe? – She asks running to Yu's room.

-Yes. She is nowhere. – Jeno says, running his hand through his hair.

-YU! I'M NOT JOKING RIGHT NOW. WE ARE SCARED. SHOW UP! – His mom's voice comes out trembling. Jeno goes out of the house, searching in the garden and in the streets. No sign of Yu. He comes back inside, finding his mom sitting on the couch in silence.

-She is not outside. – Jeno says.

-Omg... Where is she, Jeno? How have I not seen her getting out? What if somebody took her? What if we never find her again? My daughter... - Tears start to roll down her face as the guilty sentiment filled her heart. Jeno knees down, in front of her, trying to keep cool.

-Mom, she is okay. Listen, she was mad and wanted to be alone. She couldn't go too far. I'm going to find her. I promise. Don't fill your head with bad scenarios right now. Calm down. – He looks at her eyes, caressing her arms and she nods. – She must be at the neighbors' house. Wait here. I'll be back soon. – He says, standing up.

          Closing the car's door, you turn around to say goodbye to Jaemin. He parked the car in the university's parking lot after the afternoon you spent together.

-Thank you again, Jaemin. I don't know what I would do if it was not you at that moment. – You say and he smiles.

-Don't thank me. You know you can call me in every moment. We could hang out sometimes. You know, to see the puppies. – He says ironically, and you laugh.

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