Party Games - Chapter 93

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-Y/n?! – You hear someone calling you and you turn around. You see a tall figure that looks familiar.

-Johnny?! – You say surprised. – Omg, what are you doing here? I thought you were on USA. – You say and get closer, greeting him with a hug.

-Yeah, I was, but Jackson is a good friend of mine, so I decided to drop by for his party. I didn't know you would be here. – Johnny says and you smile.

-Neither did I, actually. I decided to come yesterday. – You say.

-Good thing I came then. You're even prettier in person. – He says and you chuckle shyly.

-Likewise. – You say and Johnny smiles, looking in your eyes.

-Hey, Johnny! – You hear Jaemin's voice getting closer.

-No way! Na Jaemin! Long time no see! – Johnny says greeting him with a dab and a hug.

-I didn't know you would be here tonight. – Jaemin says, getting closer to you, making your arms touch. Johnny notices the hint and smirks. He is telling Johnny he wants him to back up from flirting with you, but probably Jaemin has nothing with you yet, since his hands are for himself. If he was your boyfriend, he would have hugged your waist or anything else.

-Yeah. I was telling Y/n that I wanted to stop by for the party, and gladly, I met her here. Right? – Johnny asks winking at you. Jaemin glances at you and at him, making Johnny laugh. – Anyway, I still have some people to greet, so see you later. – Johnny says and you nod. Passing by Jaemin, Johnny whispers at him. – Calm down, dude. I'm not gonna steal your girl. – He jokes and keeps walking. Jaemin sighs, looking back at you.

          Meanwhile, after dancing until getting dizzy, Rylee stops for a second to check her cellphone. Leaning on the wall, she opens her private messages seeing dozens of chats from boys. She rolls her eyes sighing. After everything that happened with Julian, this type of boys is the last thing she wants right now. Sensing someone also leaning on the wall, she glances at her side seeing Sofia there.

-Can we talk, friend? – Sofia says and Rylee scoffs, putting her cellphone down.

-Friend? Are you really calling me friend after everything you did? – Rylee asks and Sofia smiles.

-You know... I've been thinking. I kinda overreacted the last time we talked. I mean, people make mistakes, right? – Sofia says and Rylee looks at her with a side eye, knowing it will not end well. – You know I can get your spot back if you want. – She says and Rylee frowns.

-What? You don't fool me. You won't do that just because you're sorry. You want something, don't you? – Rylee says and Sofia chuckles.

-Well, it wouldn't hurt to help a friend, right? The only condition I have is that you make Y/n's proves against me disappear. – Sofia says and Rylee turns to look at her, slightly widening her eyes.

-You want me to help you not to be denounced? Is it really what you're asking me? – Rylee says, shocked.

-Come oon! You're a smart girl. Y/n trusts you already. You can easily snatch it and then you can come back to your course. This way she will have no more advantages and we can finally kick her out! – Sofia says giggling and jumping in excitement. Rylee laughs ironically, not believing what she had just heard.

-I think you don't get the position you are now, Sofia. – Rylee says and Sofia looks at her in the eyes. – Even if you begged on your knees in front of me, I wouldn't do it. – Sofia's smile fades from her face. – I won't betray Y/n. We will show everybody what you really are, and then we will destroy you. Look well at me, because I'll be your karma. – Rylee says firmly seeing Sofia's eyes burn in anger. Glancing at her side, Rylee sees a boy passing by with his drink in hand. – Oh, and another thing, - She says and snitches the boy's drink, immediately throwing the liquid in Sofia's dress. The boy widens his eyes covering his mouth and Sofia gasps loudly, looking at her dress covered with a blue stain. – You're really a snake. – Rylee says and walks away.

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