Making up - Chapter 86

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-I can take care of her and convince her to talk to you tomorrow. Maybe she just needs a girls' night. – You say and he glances at his mom, who is curious looking at him.

-Alright then. Thank you very much, Y/n. – He says and you smile.

-No problem. Bye... - You say, not wanting to hang up.

-Bye... - He says back.

          You put your phone back in your pocket. Listening to his voice was a painful happiness for you, making yourself confused by how you should act about him from now. Sighing, you look down at the cute girl who looks at you with a kind of expectation. You chuckle, reaching out your hand which she holds right away.

-What do you think about sleeping over at mine today? We could have a girls' night. – You say and she gasps with shiny eyes.

-Yes! Yes! Let's go, sis! Faster, faster! – She jumps, pulling your hand even not knowing where the dorm is.

          You get in the dorm and the other girls fall in love with Yu while she passed by the halls. She waves at them in a cute way until you get to your room. Closing the door behind you, you hear Yu already jumping on your bed.

-So, little lady, you're gonna stay here tonight, but tomorrow I'll take you to your house, ugh? You have to promise me it's the last time you will do something like that. Worrying your mom is not cool. – You say and she pouts, playing with the sheet.

-This is not fair. You all treat me like a baby, but I'm not a baby anymore. I got here by myself, so I'm very mature. – She says proudly, and you giggle from how smart she is.

-You're right, Yu. You're not a baby anymore. But maturing is knowing that even if you can do the things by yourself, you must also think about the others. How would you feel if someday you wake up and your mom and your brother are not in your house, and you don't know where they are? – You ask and she makes a sad face.

-I would feel very scared. – She says and you sit down beside her.

-Exactly. That's how they felt today. – You say and she nods, regretting what she did. – And another thing. It's dangerous for a girl to walk alone in the night. Even when you get older, you must be careful. Did you know one day I asked your brother to take me at the library because it was too dark and late? – You ask and she widens your eyes.

-Really? You asked him that even if you're an adult? – She says, surprised.

-Yes, of course. There are bad people out there, so you must be careful. Always walk with someone you trust. That day your brother saved my life. – You say and smile. You remember that that night you were so scared, but when Jeno showed up it felt like everything would be alright. Yu pauses for a moment, saving in her mind the things you told her.

-Did you and my brother fight? – She asks looking at your eyes, and you freeze for a moment, not knowing how to explain. – I asked him when you would visit me, and he got very upset. He said I would never see you again. That I should forget about you because you're not my sister anymore. – She says and your chest hurts hardly. Your eyes start to form tears. "So, he really wants to forget everything after all." You think.

-Did he say that? – You say sarcastically chuckling. Yu looks at you with a worried face again and holds your hand.

-Sis, brother can be kinda annoying sometimes, but he is not a bad brother. Please, forgive him. – She whines, shaking your hand and you laugh. She is just too cute. Even not knowing what happened, she never put the blame on you. You hold her by the waist, pulling her to lie on the bed, making her laugh out loud.

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