One Last Time - Chapter 76

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        "You let such important loose end, Sofia..." You say smirking. "I have to tell Maya and Jaemin about this. Maybe they can help me to decide what to do." You think out loud.
          You turn around, walking back to the table to talk to Jaemin. On your way to there, you run into Sofia, who was getting out a restroom. Her eyes meet you and, as usual, she smiles widely. She is the only person you ever met that could make you feel disgusted by a smile. Since the first time you met her, you noticed. Her smile transfers anything but happiness. It feels more like a dominance, a Machiavellianism.
          Sofia parades towards you. Her body language saying she got all the power in her hands. Little did she know you also have an ace up your sleeve.

-Look who is here. Y/n... – She giggles spookily. – I was missing you already, but it's my fault. I've been spending too much time with Jeno lately to hang out with my friend. – She says grinning. You swallow the urge of punching her face so she doesn't get too proud of herself for upsetting you with that terrible joke. – The fake girlfriend of my ex-boyfriend. What a great title for a newspaper article, don't you think? - You smile back at her also chuckling.

-I was missing you too, Sofia. And yes, it's a great title, but what do you think about "Principal's daughter wasn't really accepted on Joffrey Academy"? It sounds pretty much more interesting, right? – You say and her smiles fades as her eyes darken.

-What are you saying? – Sofia says in a deep tone.

-Don't need to fake with me, Sofia. As you said, we are friends. I know you don't study on Joffrey. Now, if you want everybody to find it out, it's on you. – You say and she scoffs.

-If you think I'm giving up on dancing with Jeno, you are kidding yourself. – She says.

-No, no. It's not my intention to take you out of this. – You say and she arches an eyebrow. – I just want to make sure you don't mess with his chance again. – You say crossing your arms.

-I'm warning you. Don't step into people's business. I'm the one who is with Jeno right now. – She says stepping closer, but you won't let her intimidate you.

-Jeno. Is. Mine. – You say in a deep tone, also getting closer. Your faces were only a few inches apart. Both gazes sending thunders to each other, as if they really could kill someone, or at least, scare them.

-So that's it. You wanna start a war now? – Sofia asks and you laugh.

-Sweetie, I started this war since you stepped in that practice room. – You say walking away. Sofia straightens her eyes watching you go. "Alright, Y/n. If that's what you want." Sofia thinks clicking her tongue.

          You check your cellphone. Seeing the time, probably the boys already came back to the classrooms since the lunch time is almost over. "I can talk to Jaemin later. I think Maya is free now." You think and start to walk to the library, where Maya always studies. On your way, you notice a crowd blocking the way of the main hall. "What are all these people doing here today?" You wonder clicking your tongue. "I need to talk to Maya... What do I do? If I don't go this way, I'll have to cross all the university to get to the library. Argh!" You think with yourself. "Whatever. I can pass through it." You say.
          You, then, walk towards the crowd. Investigating it a bit you remember that today was the Basket Match between the universities and it looks like your university won. Many girls dressed as cheerleaders are singing and shouting while the players jump in sync with the rest of the students who root for them. You take a deep breath and start snaking through the crowd, pushing away the people in front of you. At some point, you lose the sense of where to go. The tall boys completely blocked your view and the crowd was so wild that you can swear that your feet sometimes were taken off the floor. You are practically dancing with them, just not voluntary.

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