Trust - Chapter 39

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-Okay! See you there then. I'm gonna grab some things in my room. – You say running to there, letting Jeno behind laughing of that.

          You go to your room jumping happily. The pool is your favorite thing from the farm. You remember when you begged your dad to have one when he and Julian's dad built it. The summer is hot there, surpassing the 40°C and enjoying the pool is the activity you looked forward every year.
           With this thought, you grab your purse, putting there your sunscreen, sunglasses and towel. You open your drawer looking for something to wear.

-Uhm... Should I wear a swimsuit or a bikini? – You ask yourself biting your lips.

           You stare at the two pieces that are on the bed. You take the bikini and change your clothes. You look at the mirror analyzing your body in it.

-Uhm... Is it too bold? – You think. – How would he react if I show up like this? – You giggle while turning around in front of the mirror.

-Are you trying to impress someone? – You turn around fast hearing a voice. Rylee, leaning next to the door, is looking at you with a disgusted gaze.

-You startled me. Try knocking the door next time. – You say turning away as she rolls her eyes.

-You think you own the world, right? Get humble a bit, Y/n. You are not all that. – She says and you arch your eyebrow.

-I think you're talking about yourself, cutie. What did happen yesterday? Did you and Julian fight? It's written all over your face. – You say fixing the lace of your bikini and Rylee feel her rage growing. You didn't know she was pissed because Julian talked about you, and your comment just made her remember everything he said.

-That's not of your business, you idiot. You should just accept that you are boring. – She says crossing her arms. You turn around bending your lips.

-I'm not boring. – You say angry.

-Julian told me that himself. That's why he preferred to stay with me instead. - She says and laughs.

-He preferred you because he is an disloyal jerk, but thank you. Now that you said it, it made me want to wear it even more. – You giggle taking your clothes and putting it on, over the bikini. Rylee clicks her tongue.

-Oh, yeah? So I'm gonna wear a bikini too. Let's see who can do it better then. – She says sassily. You put on your sunglasses and turn around smiling at her.

-Okay, cutie. See you at the pool. – You send her a flying kiss and get out of the room, bumping into her shoulder before leaving, making her lose a bit of her balance.

-Grrr! She is unbearable. – She says going to her room.

          Meanwhile, Jeno goes to the pool. Many people are already there and the kids play loudly in there. He walks to a table, where there is a sunshade and sun loungers. Not so far from there, there's Julian. Their eyes meet and they both sigh.

-It seems we had the same idea. – Jeno says looking at the front.

-Unfortunately. – Julian answers also looking at the pool. – Are you waiting for Y/n? – He asks.

-It's not of your business. Take care about your girlfriend. – Jeno answers leaning his head on the sun lounge and Julian smirks.

-I know you are. Y/n loves the pool. It's her favorite thing here on the farm, even though she doesn't know how to swim. I've tried many times to teach her, but she is too afraid. She could only hug me tight and tremble while my arms were around her. – He says and Jeno opens his eyes and lifts his head. He stares deep down Julian's eyes knowing he was trying to mess with him. Jeno sighs deeply trying to not take off Julian's sunglasses with punches on his face.

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