Jackson's Party - Chapter 90

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-Here. – She shows you many face masks on her hands. – Since we are in a special mission, I'll let you use one of my face masks, but only this time. Choose one. – She says and you shrug, taking one.

          The time went by, and you must admit Rylee puts a lot of effort into the things she wants. You were impressed by how many steps she takes to get ready for a party. You started from face masks, and in the meantime you three did you nails. What made you a little taken aback at first, turned out to be, in reality, kind of fun in the end. You talked a lot and, of course, gossiped about Sofia while eating together what you ordered on the food app.
          Getting to the makeup part, you found out that Rylee is also really talented on it. She apparently knows how to use every single brush from the hundreds she owns. After checking it in the mirror, you gasped. You had never looked so good before, what brought a boost to your self-confidence.

-Dang, girl. Is this really me? – Maya asks looking at the mirror after Rylee finished the last details of her makeup.

-Yeah, Rylee. I can't deny it. Your makeup skills are really amazing. – You say also looking in the mirror. Rylee smirks, looking proud.

-Sure. I must keep my image of the prettiest girl of the campus, after all. – She says and you laugh.

-I mean, you could even be a makeup artist. Have you not thought about it? – You ask.

-Actually, yeah, but my family wasn't that happy when I chose that. Engineer seems to make them more satisfied somehow. – She says, putting the brushes back in her bag. You look at Maya wondering what you should say, feeling that subject is a little delicate for her. – But, anyway, thank you for the compliment. You know I love to hear that I'm the best. – She says, coming back to the "normal Rylee", making you roll your eyes.

          Maya laughs, checking her cellphone while you put your earrings, and what she saw made her gasp loudly. You look at her in confusion.

-Omg, omg, omg! – Maya says shocked.

-What? – You ask as Rylee gets closer to hear better.

-The newspaper posted another article! – Maya says and you sigh.

-Is it about me again? – You ask with a tired tone, but Maya shakes her head.

-No! It's saying the newspaper will close. – Maya says and you and Rylee look at each other with widened eyes.

-What?! – You ask, sitting beside Maya.

-"The University Newspaper has come to an end." – Maya reads the title. – "On our last article, we want to thank all the students who supported us in our path of sharing fun and truth." – Maya reads and you scoff.

-Fun and truth to who? – You say crossing your arms.

-"Due to orders from our Principal, we decided to cooperate and close the club in a good way. Goodbye to everyone." – Maya finishes reading and looks at you two. You take a hand to your chin thinking.

-This is so weird. The Principal asked for that? She always used to say that she wouldn't close the newspaper because it was popular and good for the sponsors. – You say and the girls frown.

-Does it have something to do with Sofia? – Maya asks and you shrug.

-It has for sure! Maybe she already knows we're gonna go to the party and she is afraid she will end up in a humiliating article. – Rylee says and you think.

-I don't know... In any case, we must stay focused on our plan. – You say and Rylee nods.

-Did Jaemin not give any other news, Y/n? – Maya asks and you sigh.

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