Drinks and Fight - Chapter 6

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-No. I'm gonna teach this girl a lesson today. – She says and you get ready for what's about to come.

            In a normal situation, you wouldn't fight with her. You don't like to fight. It's too indiscreet. But today the alcohol is taking you out of control, and even more now with Rylee talking like that. Seeing her getting closer again, you see her getting ready for a slap. You hold her hand and push her heavily. She falls on the floor and quickly stands up while your eyes are locked on her. Noticing the fight, the other students come closer to watch. They start to take out their phones to record the it.

-You should know your place. You've been switched, Y/n. Just accept that. – Rylee says and laughs. – Everybody already knows he was no longer interested in you! – She says.

-I don't care about this jerk you call boyfriend, Rylee. If you can want him, you can take it. He will leave you later anyway. – You say and she clench her teeth. Walking fast towards you again, she pushes you and grabs your hair. You grab her hair too listening to the other students screaming.

-What's all this noise outside? – Jeno asks his friends and they look outside.

-Two girls are fighting! – A boy says. – It looks like... it's Y/n and Rylee. And Julian is there. – He says and Jeno widens his eyes. "What...?" He thinks. Throwing his cup on the floor, he runs outside seeing you and Rylee hitting each other. He clicks his tongue and gets out of the house.

-Y/n! Stop now! – He shouts, pushing the other students to get to where you are.

            You and Rylee start to walk still holding each other towards the pool. Jeno widens his eyes and runs to catch you, but he doesn't make it and you both fall in the pool. The students scream with the hands in the air enjoying the "show". Not hesitating, Jeno jumps in the pool too. You and Rylee stand up. Your hairs all over your faces. You both look at each other, prepared to fight again, but before it could happen, you feel a pair of arms pulling you back. You look behind you and see Jeno. Not so much later, Julian jumps in the pool too holding Rylee.

-L-Let me go, Jeno. – You say stumbling. Your head is spinning, but you can only think about teaching Rylee a lesson and after her, Julian.

-It's enough. You are drunk. Let's go. You are all wet. And now I'm too. – He says and you look at him. Looking down at his clothes, you finally realize that he is in the pool with you. Looking back at Rylee, she breathes heavily with her eyes on you.

-Fine. – You say nodding and Jeno leads you to get out of the pool. The students turn their cellphone off and come back to the party.

            Giving you his hand, he pulls you off. You stumble again, leaning on his chest. Julian drags Rylee to another place far away from you. Kneeling down, Jeno grabs his jacket on the floor, which he took off before he jumped in the pool, and puts it around your shoulders. You are trembling from the cold with both of your arms hugging yourself.

-It's better if you go home. – He says.

            You look down, feeling tears coming to your eyes. You feel confused with what happened. You let your anger take control of your actions, and the night that should be fun, it's now a disaster. Jeno looks at your state and sighs. Wrapping you with his arms, he pulls you for a hug. At this moment, you feel so embarrassed that you don't even ask him about anything. You just needed... this hug. Sniffing heavily, your shoulders go up and down from the sobs. Jeno just caresses your head. There's nothing he could say to you now. It's done and you could not turn back time.

-I'm gonna call Maya. Don't worry. All it's gonna be okay. – He says as you pull away. His words make you feel better. It really looks like everything is going to be okay. – Are you hurt somewhere? – He asks and you shake your head. – Can I take my cellphone in my jacket? – He asks and you nod. Slowly pulling the jacket, he reaches the phone and quickly searches for Maya's number in the contacts while you wait there beside him, trying to make yourself warmer. The phone rings for a moment and then Maya answers.

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