Adrenaline - Chapter 13

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-Was it too much? Have I pushed the limits? - You say biting the knuckle of your finger. - What if he didn't want it? - You think and shrug getting in your house. 

            You get home and sigh. You haven't even noticed how tired you are. Your legs and feet hurt, as well as your back. All this unwanted action made you use 100% of your capacity and now all you want is to lie down on your bed and sleep. Even so, you didn't forget that tomorrow you're going to hang out with Jeno. That's what you agreed on since yesterday and you surely won't let the previous bad event ruin your plans. 
            While you and Jeno are coming back home, other people still have to deal with a lot of things. 

-So you really got it, ugh? And at 2 in the morning. - The girl says throwing the papers on the table. 

-I told you I would. Now, do your part as you promised me. It was not easy to get. - Rylee says to the newspaper's girl. She shrugs arching her eyebrows. 

-Well, if that's what you want, okay then. I'm here just to be a channel for information. - She says and a smirk grows on her face. - And for entertainment... of course. - She says and Rylee winks at her waving and going away. 

            Waking up in the next day, you stretch your arms above your head with a loud groan. Looking at your cellphone, you see the time. 8:44am. You smile lying your head on the pillow again. Fortunately, you don't have anything to do today, except meeting Jeno, which means that you have a lot of time to get ready. Remembering how he was dressed the first time you two hung out made you want to impress him a little bit. 
            After having a good breakfast, you start your day in the best way. With music. You put a loud pop playing at the background, and, clapping your hands, you take a deep breath. 

-Ok, let's do this! Today is the day! - You say excitedly. 

            Starting with a shower, you put a cream on your hair and let it a bit so your hair can get hydrated. Meanwhile, you take care of your eyebrows. After washing the cream off your hair, you let it dry naturally while doing your nails. After everything is done, you start your make up, something fun and that you like to do. Putting a brown eyeshadow, you smudge it with a dark color and highlights it with a glitter powder. After that, you apply the eyeliner, which makes your eyes bigger, sharp and confident. Also after putting bulky lashes, you add the blush and the foundation. Looking at the result in the mirror, you give little jumps. Your makeup has never been so pretty before.
             Now starting to get dressed, you put on your shirt. A black long neck shirt with a long gray topcoat. With a tight jeans and black boots, you smile widely, feeling proud for getting dressed so well, not forgetting of Jeno's gift. The bracelet. 

-I think I'm looking good this way. - You say turning around to look at the entire outfit. - Will he like it? - You say without even notice, until it hits you. - I-I mean, it's not like I want him to find me pretty. It's just... that I don't like to feel ugly. - You say to your reflex. - Why am I even talking to myself, actually? - You click your tongue and grab your purse. 

            Taking your cellphone, you receive a message. You bite your bottom lip seeing "Jeno" written on the screen. 

-Hey! Are you ready? I'm almost at your house. - He says and your heart gives a strong bump. 

-Yes! I have just finished getting dressed. - You answer the message. 

-Good. See you in 5. - He says and you put your cellphone in the purse. You go down the dorm's stairs and some minutes later, there he is. 

            After parking his bike, Jeno takes off the helmet and you chin almost drops. You don't know if it's just your eyes or the lightening, but it seems like Jeno gets hotter the more you look at him. Showing off a black leather jacket with a red shirt inside, he puts the helmet on the bike. Chains hang on his ripped jeans as his black hair contrasts with his skin.
            Turning to you, Jeno arches his eyebrows. His eyes lock on you as if nothing could take them away from there. You are spectacular for him. Not even on your first date, when you wanted to look good for the fake pictures, you were looking that good. He stares at you top to bottom as you walk towards him. 

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