Not What It Seems to be - Chapter 57

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        The rest of the day went by with some anxiety in the air, specially from you. The fact that his ex-girlfriend and ex-partner shows up out of the blue when Jeno clearly doesn't like to talk about her, makes you unsure. In reality, you are afraid. Not of her in specific, but afraid of losing Jeno. Even though you two are so close right now, you know that this part of his life is still a secret and that it still affects him. If that affects, it's because it was important. And by the way Sofia looks at him and talk to him, she likes him for sure. For the first time, you are jealous.
The practice finishes. Somehow, you managed to keep going even if your head was filled with so many thoughts about what happened. You, Jeno and Jaemin leave the practice room. While Jeno locks the door, Jaemin gets closer.

-Are you okay? - He asks calmly and you look at him.

-Yeah, why? - You say.

-Maybe that situation with Sofia was a little awkward for you. - He says and you smile weaky.

-Yeah... a bit. - You say shrugging. - He doesn't want to talk about that so I don't know what's the beef between them. It looks like he doesn't like her that much, but in her case it's the contrary. - You comment and Jaemin sighs.

          Jeno comes towards you and you say good bye to Jaemin. Walking to your dorm, you decide to ask.

-So...? It doesn't seem like Sofia gave up on asking you to be her partner. What are we gonna do? - You ask holding his hand.

-I'm gonna take care of that. Don't worry. My only one partner is you. - He says and you smile shyly.

-I hope not though. You need a better partner in the future. - You joke and he chuckles. You stop in front of your dorm.

-Not everything is about technique. A good partner is the one who gets the best of you, and that's what you do. So, don't think about anything more for now. - He says and you nod. He always has the best words and it makes your heart lighter, even though you still can feel a tiny concern in there.

          He stares at you for a second and puts a strand of hair in the back of your ear. You smile checking out his eyes and you notice a different aura on his gaze.

-What? - You ask him. He slowly looks around and you make a confused face.

-Come here. - He says taking you to a hall next to your dorm.

          You get curious by why he is taking you there, but it quickly becomes clear when he places you against the wall. You look up at his face and his eyes drop to your lips. He gets closer closing the gap between you. After a whole day with you and Jaemin, he had no time to kill his desire of kissing you, and now, at the end of the day, he couldn't lose this opportunity, even if it leads to a little hidden secret. Your hands fly to the back of his neck as you try to take breathes between each kiss.
          He pulls you closer by your waist as you change side, bending more your head. That kiss which makes everything go away. Like the first time with all the hate you received on your social media, or when you argued with your dad because of Julian, and now with the situation of hours ago. He has the power of making you look only at him and forget about anything else.
          As much as you wanted to stay there, hugging him, kissing him, showing him how much you love being near him, the sound of some voices made you remember where you are.

-J-Jeno. - You let out a whimper between his lips and he stops. He looks at your eyes and his red ears listen to the voices of some girls passing by and going through the main door. Luckily, they didn't see you.

-Almost caught again? - He jokes pulling away and you chuckle.

-It's becoming a habit. – You joke back and he smirks.

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