Evil Plan - Chapter 91

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        Drunk people, loud music, people dancing and making out. Everything seemed the same as usual for a university party, until Jeno's eyes spotted you entering by the front door. His heart jumped inside his chest as his mouth opened a little by the surprise. He couldn't believe his eyes. Was he too long without seeing you or did you really get so beautiful in a little time? He didn't know the answer, but what he did know was that his heart hadn't forgot about you. His eyes checked you out ashamedly. A heat came within his body, almost crying out to get free from despair of wanting you so much, of wanting to have you all for him in that dress (and without it too).

          He was not expecting to see you there since it's a party from the art course area, but then everything got clear when Jaemin appeared behind you. Jeno's jaw clenched seeing you smiling at him in a so excited way while he leaded you with a hand on your back. It reminded him of the summer party, when you were "dating" (at least for the others). He could hold you in his arms freely, just like Jaemin is doing right now. And also, when you gave your second kiss. At that time, he was holding it back because he was still in the faking relationship agreement situation, and ironically, now he is even far from you, but the urge of kissing you is even stronger.

-Well, that's a real party. – Rylee says following you after getting in.

-I know, right? I can't believe we came to Jackson's party. Like, everybody always talks about it. – Maya says smiling at you.

-Let's start by getting some drinks, girls? – Rylee says giving little jumps.

-Weren't we here for the evil plan? – You say with a sarcastic tone and Rylee scoffs.

-Cutie, the best way of making your rivals furious is showing how good you are with your life. – She says and you chuckle. – She must be somewhere here. We're gonna bump on her anytime soon. But in the meantime, let's have some fuuun! – She sings walking towards the bar. You look at Maya and she shrugs.

-I think she is right. You deserve a fun night, sis. You know that. – Maya says and you smile weakly.

-Don't worry, princess. I'm a pro when it comes to fun nights. – Jaemin says, looking at you above your shoulder, making you laugh.

-Alright, then. Let's see what you got. – You say and Jaemin arches his eyebrow with a smirk on his face, taken by surprised by your sudden boldness.

          While you were heading over the bar, the music suddenly stops. The crowd protests with an "oh" sound, but then another attraction appears.

-Calm down, calm down, people! – Someone with a microphone says, drawing attention of everyone. – Let's not be in a rush, because we have all night long. – The boy says, and you and the girls scream with the others. – My close friends know me as Jackson. And for the ones who don't know me, what world are you living in? No, I'm just kidding. – He says and the crowd laughs. – Tonight, I have some special guests that I'm very happy to see at this party. The first one is my friend Michael Linns, my project co-director. This guy has been supporting me on any crazy idea I've been having. – Jackson says as a spotlight shows the guy who raises his drink while everybody claps their hands. – Second, we have our dear Principal's daughter, Sofia Perphyden. – He says and you four widen your eyes, but specially you were the most surprised of them all when the spotlight went over then, and you saw Jeno.

          Damn. You did know he would come, but obviously, you couldn't help your body to not react when seeing him. And he isn't beside Sofia for coincidence. He came with her, and he is looking handsome, as usual. His black hair is down, matching perfectly his long black blazer. Looking a little below, his chest and abs appear, revealing that he is shirtless under that. Your heart bumps strong inside you by seeing him like that. The truth is that you were the one who wanted to be there by his side, like the last party you were.

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