Summer Pool - Chapter 36

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        Then, the competition finally starts. You shout loudly cheering for your team. Your niece jumps on the pool and swims perfectly. She makes the turn and after swimming back, she touches the wall. Your cousin Joseph quickly jumps later swimming with all his strength. You bite your nails seeing the other team surpassing him. "Omg...! They are in front of us." You think. Jeno starts to get ready stretching and warming up while Mark jumps in the pool. Now, getting closer to the other team, Mark touches the wall. Jeno jumps immediately, not giving you the chance to even look at him before that. Julian jumps in the pool at same time and they swim almost desperately through the pool. Everybody knows that this competition is not only for fun, but for something personal. They cross the pool touching the wall at the same time and turning to come back.

-COME ON, JENO! YOU CAN DO IT! – You scream and jump feeling your heart racing by the adrenaline.

-GO, JULIAN! – The other team roots for Julian.

          The judges are already attentive for the last swimmers that are coming. The boys gasp loudly trying to catch air between each stroke. Jeno looks at Julian for a split of second and sees that he is very closer to him. There's no way. He has to do something, otherwise he's gonna lose again, and losing for Julian two times in a row is something he won't let happen.
          Decided, Jeno spots the wall and takes a decision. He has to stop breathing. He starts to speed up at the end by concentrating only on his strokes. You notice it right away and widen your eyes. "Has he stopped breathing? Can he make it until the end?" You think feeling nervous.
          3 strokes until the end. Jeno and Julian are practically synchronized. 2 strokes. Julian stops to breathe, but Jeno continues and gives the last stroke. 1 stroke. They reach out their hands to touch the pool. Everybody suddenly stays quiet trying to see who's gonna touch the pool.
          Jeno and Julian touch the wall. Jeno lifts his head with a loud gasp. He leans on the ray rope coughing.

-So? Who won? Has somebody seen something? – Everyone starts to ask themselves.

-ATTENTION, FAMILY! – Your cousin shouts and they go silent. – BOTH OF THEM WERE VERY CLOSE, BUT OUR JUDGES HAVE A WINNER! – He says and you bite your bottom lip. The boys catch their breath also very focused on the judges. – THE WINNER IS...! – The teams look at him with widened eyes. It's a question of pride for of them, and your family knows that. – THE WINNER IS JENO! FROM THE Y/S/N'S FAMILY! - Your cousin says and your family looks at each other.

-AAAAAAAH!!!!! – A loud scream fills up the land as everybody of your family hugs each other. – WE WOOON! – They repeat as Jeno breathes out relieved. Julian punches the water feeling shame and rage growing inside him. Jeno gets out of the pool and your uncle quickly hugs him laughing out loudly.

-HAHAHA! OUR SECRET WEAPON WON THE GAME! – He says hitting Jeno's back. Jeno smiles widely, feeling proud with the results. You run to him the fastest you could.

-You won! Omg! That was so awesome! – You say and he giggles pulling you by your hand.

-Do I not deserve a hug from you too after that? – He asks and you giggle.

-Of course! But you are all wet. I'm gonna get wet if I hug you now. – You say and he smirks.

-What's the problem with getting wet if it's so hot? – He says getting closer to you. You widen your eyes, already knowing his plans.

-No. No. You won't do it. Let me change clothes before. – You say stepping back, but he shakes his head with an evil smirk and catches you by your hand again and in a fast move, he puts his arm under your legs and lifts you up. – NOOOO! – You scream, but it's too late.

          He jumps in the pool with you on his arms. You go to the surface and let out a loud gasp. You hold on his neck trying to take the water off your eyes. Your family laughs watching the scene.

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