Friendship Deal - Chapter 77

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-Y/n. – Your attention is drawn to the person walking towards you. You frown, wondering what in the Earth he wants now.

-Hi, Julian. – You say in a not so excited tone.

-Hi! – He says walking beside you, noticing you didn't stop to talk to him. – Can we talk for a moment? Actually, it was good to have met you here since I wanted to talk to you. – He says and you make a confused face.

-Sorry, Julian. I have no time now. I got something important to do. – You say still walking.

-I won't take too long. Just give me some minutes, please. – He says and you sigh stopping walking.

-What? – You ask.

-Uhm... I just wanted to ask if you're gonna go to Uncle's Chris party next week. He said he is gonna do a great dinner and I think we could... go, like we always did. – Julian says and you stare at him for a second.

-You always said you hated to go to these family gatherings. Why are coming up with this right now? – You ask and he shrugs.

-I've been missing it lately. How we used to be. – He says and you look up, not believing you are hearing that.

-If that's what you have to say, I need to go. You already know my answer. – You say starting to walk again, but he holds your wrist.

-Y/n, let's try again. I'm gonna be better. You and Jeno broke up. I broke up with Rylee too. But my mind always comes back to you. – He says holding you tighter.

-Julian, for the last time, that won't happen. – You say and he clicks his tongue.

-It's because of him, right? Isn't he with that girl Sofia anyway? Why don't you just forget it and come back to me? We've been together for almost 3 years. – He says and you sigh, moving his hand away.

-Jeno is not with Sofia. And I don't feel anything for you anymore. – You say and he snorts.

-Everybody is seeing that they are together. Why don't you just let it go? You just still have hope to come back to him, but it's not that you really like him. Once we are back together, we can set things up and you will see how our time was good for us. Our family, the farm, our moments. - Julian says and you sigh.

-It's not because we broke up that I'm gonna like you again, Julian. I like Jeno. That's it. - You say firmly and he clenches his jaw. - Now I gotta go. - You say continuing your way to the library.

          Julian runs his hands by his face in a nonconformist feeling. After he knew you and Jeno broke up, he thought that maybe you would think on coming back to him. His ego doesn't let him notice that he will never be the kind of guy with a true attachment compromise, even though you were the girl who impacted his life in the strongest way.
          Analyzing all of this in a wider perspective, everyone wants to accomplish something. Some of you for ego, some for power, some for love and some for revenge. In Julian's case, it doesn't matter what he did or that he will do. He must have you. Because it's what he wants. Even if it means he is not the best you could have. He knows the way Jeno treats you, but it won't ever be more important than his need of owning you. He wants you for him again and your negative answer is not a reason for him to give up.
          Looking at a mirror in the restroom, Rylee sighs fixing her hair. ''Ugh... I don't think it's looking good this time.'' She thinks minutes after getting a haircut. She shrugs and reaches her lipstick inside her purse. She wets her lips with the sparkling glossy liquid and spreads it, not forgetting of winking at herself before leaving.
          Her feet parade by the shopping mall enjoying her time alone to spend some money. Her eyes travel by the showcases investigating the clothes until a certain figure draws her attention. A tall skinny black-haired girl. Sofia. She walks holding firmly her handbag as her eyes look around like she was searching something. Rylee arches an eyebrow curious. ''So that's the famous Sofia... Nothing really impressing to be honest.'' Rylee thinks checking her out. Sofia turns in a corner and Rylee follows her a little behind without being noticed. Sofia walks for some minutes until she meets a man in a suit. His glasses almost falling from the point of his nose give him a serious look which convey a message that he was not "anyone".

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