No Words - Chapter 84

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        Meanwhile, at another part of the city, Jeno parks his bike next to his mom's house once again. Taking his helmet off, he shakes his hair in silence. His mom quickly opens the front gate, already knowing the sound outside could only be her son.

          Getting inside, his quiet state gives her a hint that something had happened to him.

-Do you want dinner? I can warm it up for you. – His mom asks, not getting directly to the point. Jeno sighs, putting his bag on the couch.

-No, thanks. I'm not hungry. I just came by to say hi. – Jeno says and his mom chuckles.

-I know you didn't come all the way here just to say hi, Jeno. What happened? – She says and Jeno smiles weakly. It's useless to pretend nothing happened, especially for his mom who knows him so well. Jeno sighs once again, thinking on how he should answer that question.

-I saw Y/n and Jaemin together. By the way they were so close, they are probably dating, and... I don't know what to think. I thought we still could... - Jeno pauses shrugging while his mom looks at him surprised. – I'm feeling so... angry. Angry at myself, because I ignored her when we met after I saw that. I felt so jealous and ridiculous. – He admits, closing his fists. His mom sighs, caressing his shoulder.

-Son, don't blame yourself for having a normal reaction. Anyone would do exactly the same. It takes time until all these feelings leave your heart. – She says, but Jeno clicks his tongue.

-I thought it was gonna work this time. I really wanted it to work, but I think it will never will. With me. – He says, and before his mom could say anything more, Jeno feels something small hugging his legs. It was Yu.

-Brother! You didn't tell me you would come home. – Yu says pouting and Jeno runs his hands by his hair.

-I know, Yu, sorry. I wasn't planning to come. – He says serious.

-You said you would bring Y/n sis the next time you come here! – She pouts again.

-Yu, let's not talk about Y/n, okay? I'm not in a good mood for this right now. – Jeno says.

-But... She is gonna visit, right? You promised me she would! Why are you talking like she is never going to come ever again? Where is she? When is she coming back? – Yu asks incessantly, not making this moment any better. Her voice invades his ears as the pain of everything that happened takes all his heart again.

-SHE IS NOT GONNA COME BACK, YU! NEVER AGAIN! – Jeno yells, startling Yu who held tighter onto her plush dog. – Y/N AND I ARE NOT TOGETHER ANYMORE. SHE IS NOT YOUR SISTER, SO PLEASE, JUST FORGET HER AND DON'T ASK ME ABOUT HER ANYMORE. – He says and Yu's eyes fill in a water puddle. Jeno looks at her, seeing the way he spoke, immediately regretting having yelled at his little sister.

-IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT! YOU SENT Y/N SIS AWAY! YOU ARE NOT A GOOD BROTHER! I HATE YOU! – Yu yells back and runs to her room, slamming the door behind her. Jeno sighs heavily. He was feeling so angry with all this situation that he put all his anger on his sister who still has no maturity to understand what was going on.

-Great. Now another person hates me. – Jeno says as the anger switches with a stress sentiment.

-She doesn't hate you. You know that. – His mom says, consoling him. – Just apologize to her and explain everything about you and Y/n. She is gonna understand if you talk to her. – She says giving him a side hug and he nods.

          Walking to the car, Jaemin opens the door. He doesn't hear the noise of the second door, making him confused of why you still hadn't got in. He sees you walking slowly, observing you looking at the plush machine outside the cafe. He rests his arms on the car's roof, propping his chin on it. His eyes follow you with a smile on his face.

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