How Serious Are You? - Chapter 116

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-I wanna talk to you about us. About New York. – Your trembling voice makes it even worse.

You didn't want to sound like that, but in the condition you are now, your head is a hurricane of anxiety and fear. It didn't even cross your mind that Jeno could misunderstand that question. It is a serious matter, and until now you were reluctant to talk about it, but he asked about it himself, so now it's the time.

His fingers tighten around the counter as his throat closes, holding back a cry from falling. You want to talk, so he must listen to what you have to say.

-Okay. Go on. – He says in a low tone.

His voice comes out with difficulty, afraid of what you would say next. "It will be too hard for me. I can't do it." Or "I think it's better for us to follow our paths on different ways". He had heard that from you once, even before confessing to you, and it was the worst thing in the world. And hearing that again now, he can't even imagine how it will be. Now everything is different. Now you are finally together, as a couple, and he finally had told you the truth: that he loves you like he never did before.

You take a deep breath. You don't even know where to start from. Looking at his eyes, he stares at you with attention. Your mouth opens as the first words come out.

-How serious are you about us? – You ask and a silence immediately fills the room. That question was not how you wanted to start it. Out of nervousness, you said the first thing that came in your mind. Jeno frowns, very confused by that question.

-Ugh? – He says, fixing himself on that counter, standing straight to "hear better". – What do you mean by "how serious I am about us"? – He asks and you shake your head violently.

-No, no. That's... not it. Wait. Okay, let's do it like this: I'll explain everything to you, and you can only talk when I'm finished, alright? – You say, looking at him with a worried gaze.

-Alright. – He promises, and you sigh deeply again.

-Okay. So... the day I delivered my homework to my teacher, he talked to me about the opportunities of my internship. He asked if I would be interested on doing it on western and said that this year I could choose between Australia, Singapore or New York. – You say and Jeno's eyes slightly widen, starting to understand where you're getting at. – I thought that, maybe, I could choose to go to New York, but before talking to you, I talked to my mom, and that's why we had an argument that day. She said it was crazy of me choosing to go there because of you. That maybe you wanted some distance because we are going too fast, and that it would be better for you. That I am being irrational and immature. That I'm just following you around, and that it's not supposed to be that serious in the beginning. – You say as your voice trembles again. – She said I should go to Singapore because my grandfather is there, and maybe all the family could live closer to him. That I should let it like this and maybe our relationship wasn't mean to be in the end. – You say and gulp, feeling a tear roll down your face. You quickly wipe it off, deviating your gaze from his while Jeno just listens to everything in silence. – You don't need to feel pressured to accept. I will respect if you prefer to take things slower and enjoy your time in New York, focusing on your work. I wouldn't make that decision without talking to you first. – You sniff, breathing deeply. - That's it. – You shrug looking down, playing with your fingers.

Jeno's body relaxes in relief. So that's what's been happening these days. He thought you were about to break up with him, but actually, it was the opposite. All that situation made him chuckle, drawing your attention, looking at him fast.

-So... you wanna know "how serious" we are. – He leans on the counter again, crossing his arms with a smirk on his face. You nod slightly, worried with what he will say about it. – Well... - He takes a deep breath, looking up, thinking what he should say to explain it to you. – Y/n... It's sad that your mom said all that to you, but now I'm gonna say what I feel about it. I was holding my thoughts back and going slowly so I wouldn't scare you, but that's how serious I am about us: since I met you, you changed my life completely, and right now, in this moment, I couldn't imagine my life without you. I want you every day of my life. I want you to be present to see all my conquers and all my weak times. I want to see you fulfilling all your dreams and help you with them. I want to see you when I wake up each morning and work hard to make you happy. I want to marry you someday and make you a part of my family with my mom and Yu. I want to buy a house with you. I want you to be the mother of my children, and grow old with you, the only woman for me, forever, and love you until the end. – Jeno pauses, and then you notice how you had held your breathing until now. He stands up from the counter, slowly walking to you to cup your face with a hand. He holds your chin, slowly pulling it up to look at him. - That's how serious I am about us. So, if you choose to go to Singapore, I will wait for you as usual, but if you choose New York, it will be the best news for me.

His words warmed up your heart. That was the most beautiful love confession you had ever heard in your entire life. You throw yourself on him, hugging him tightly, feeling more tears leaving your eyes. He hugs you back, diving his face on your hair, knowing exactly the strength of what he said, but he was not afraid, because he meant it. Your sobs were quiet. Before telling him, he didn't know the weight inside your heart about that decision, and now you feel like a burden was taken away from your shoulders.

-What is it, ugh? Why are you crying? – He asks with a caring voice, chuckling. His hands caress your back up and down, closing his eyes to smell your essence. You look at him again in an awe.

-I love you so much. – You say and he smiles, wiping the tears off your face to touch his forehead with yours.

-I love you too. – He says and sighs deeply.

Leaning forward, you kiss him with passion, and he feels a smile coming from you. You came back to your normal, and now his concerns are over. So that's what you were worried about. Now he knows. You pull away, looking at his eyes which are looking back at you. He wants you close to him, just like you.

-I'll have to talk to my parents about it. Specially to my mom. – You say, holding his hand.

-I'll go with you. – He says and you slightly widen your eyes.

-Are you sure? You don't need to. – You say and he shakes his head.

-It's a serious subject. I must be there with you to show them I'm part of this decision and that I want you to go. It's not like before when we were pretending. Now it's time to talk to them. – Jeno says and your heart skips a beat. He is so serious and responsible about it. Of course, you knew this side of him, but his maturity when dealing with this just makes you even more in love and secure with him. You sigh, intertwining your fingers with his.

-Sorry for taking so long. I was afraid of what you would think of it. – You say, still on his arms and he laughs.

-As if I wouldn't like to have you around. – He jokes and you shrug, hiding on his chest with shyness. – Tell me whatever you want, ask me whatever you need. – He says caressing your hair and you nod, looking at him again. – Maybe I must show you more how much I love you here with me. – He says in an eye-smile, and you pout playfully.

-Uhm... maybe. – You say, resting your arms over his shoulders. Jeno chuckles, getting his face closer to yours, brushing his lips on yours. His lips travel by your face, leaving a trail of kisses on the way, going towards your neck.

-I'm gonna show it to you right now. – He says in a husky voice, seeing your skin shivering.

In the next day, on the dorm, Rylee opens her eyes, noticing some pieces of clothes thrown on the floor. Her mind quickly reminds her of the previous night. She and Jaemin had had an argument because of what she said, then a heavy rain made them wait in her room, and then...

She bites her bottom lip as he replays everything in her head. His words, his touches, his smell, his kisses, his voice. Turning around on the bed, she frowns, not seeing anyone there, in specific, Jaemin.

Getting up fast, she looks around the apartment, searching for him, but it seems he was already gone. Taking her cellphone on the table, she calls him with her foot nervously stomping on the floor.

-Hello? – He picks up and her heart jumps.

-Uhm... hi! I didn't see you here when I woke up, so... Why did you leave so early? – Rylee asks, feeling an awkward air when he hesitated on answering.

-Yeah, uhm... I would talk to you about it when we meet. – Jaemin says and Rylee frowns, holding her phone tighter. – I think it won't work between us. It's better for both of us if we broke up and stayed as friends. – The cold in his voice made her skin shiver and her eyes widen.

-What are you talking about? What's wrong? Is it because of what I said yesterday? Are you still mad? – Rylee asks with a trembling voice. Her lips start to burn, feeling her eyes forming tears.

-No. It has nothing to do with that. I think I was wrong about us. I'm not ready for a relationship now. – He says and she freezes, not believing she is hearing those words.

-Jaemin... what the hell? – She says, wiping off the tears from her cheeks. – Why are you acting like this? You are so weird now. Talk to me.

-Sorry. I have class now, so I have to go. Talk to you later. – He hangs up. Her hand falls, as a huge hollow forms inside her. 

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