Birthday Party - Chapter 61

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-Alright. See you, son. I love you! - She says with a lovely voice.

-Love you! Bye! - He says hanging up.

           Jeno hangs up and lets his body fall on the bed. He closes his eyes as a smirk grows on his face. Sighing, he opens his eyes.

-Gotta make some food. – He says standing up.

           On the next day, you wake up a little late. It's Saturday again and you decided to sleep more to rest from the days you were practicing with Jeno. You sigh deeply. You don't know how it's going to be from now on since you can't dance with him anymore. And now, you got another problem on your back. Sofia. Something you must take a decision or she will prejudice him, but to be honest, you don't even know what to do.
            You take your cellphone wanting to leave these thoughts aside. You smile seeing that a message was already waiting for you.

-Good morning ❤️ call me when you wake up. – You read the message Jeno sent you two hours ago.

           "Uhm... What does he wants, ugh?" You wonder chuckling, excited for it. Biting your lip, you click on his name, calling him. A few rings later, he picks it up.

-Good morning, sleeping beauty. – He says and you chuckle.

-Good morning, prince. Your princess is still on bed. – You joke making him laugh. His husky voice bringing butterflies to your belly.

-Sleepyhead. Maybe a kiss can make you get up. – He jokes back and you turn around on the bed. Your feet swing in the air as the feeling of talking with your (fake) boyfriend sends your sleep away.

-I think it would make me want to drag you to the bed with me. – You let it out in automatic, but a second later you realize what you said and your cheeks fluster in a red color. – I-I mean, not in like that way. Just because I want to sleep more. – You say and you can hear him laughing on the other side.

-If you wanna drag me to the bed, I don't mind it. - He jokes as an ambiguous giggle leaves his mouth. Your head plops on the pillow by the embarrassment.

-Don't tease meee! Stop! - You say with a muffled voice.

-I just wanted to see your face right now. You must so be red. It's when you get the cutest. – He says and you smile shyly.

-A-Anyway, is there a particular reason you asked me to call you? – You ask.

-Yeah! So, I want to know if you would like to have lunch in my mom's house today. It's her birthday. We do that every year. – Jeno says and you widen your eyes.

-Her birthday? Of course I would. Are you sure I can go? – You ask feeling a little taken aback.

-She called you herself. – He says and a discharge of happiness fills you inside. Comparing with the first days when you met his mom, she seems to be a lot more open to you now than before and that makes you relieved if someday you really date Jeno.

-Really?? Omg! Yes! I'll be there. Uhm... what time should I show up? – You ask and Jeno smiles seeing you so excited.

-I'm gonna leave in some minutes. The party starts at 11am, but I can give you a ride. – He says shrugging. You take your cellphone away from your ear to check the time and bite your lips.

-Uhm... but in still in bed. I don't know if I can get ready in time. I want to look pretty to your mom. – You say and Jeno laughs.

-You are always pretty. – He jokes and you giggle.

-I'm seriooous! – You say and he rolls his eyes smiling. – Is it okay if I go by myself in an hour and I meet you there? – You say.

-Yes, it's alright. See you there. – He says and you smile.

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