Shattered Heart - Chapter 80

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-What the hell is this, Sofia? - Jeno asks with a heavy breath leaving his nose. Sofia looks at the screen and reads the title, arching an eyebrow in curiosity right away.

-I didn't know we were dating. You could have told me. - She jokes drinking the water again.

-Stop joking. Why do you think you have the right to go to the newspaper and tell them to public this bullshit? - Jeno says angrily, and she scoffs.

-Wait, hold on. You are accusing me without even knowing if it was me. I didn't do that. - She says and Jeno scoffs walking by the room.

-Of course it was you. Who would do something like this? - Jeno says and Sofia shrugs.

-No idea. But it was not me. I'm saying. - She says and Jeno clenches his jaw. He gets closer to her one more time, looking at her in the eyes.

-Tell me the truth. - He says investigating her minutely. - Was it you? - Sofia stares at him for a second.

-No. - She says looking at him back. Jeno straightens his eyes. She doesn't look like she is lying this time, even though he knows she is not trustful. Jeno takes a deep breath, walking in circles again.

-Who could have done it? - Jeno talks to himself. - If it's not Sofia, it could be... - He thinks running his hands through his hair. - Jaemin. - He says feeling his blood boiling. - Right. Of course, he would do that. He just wants Y/n to see- - When Jeno was in the middle of his thoughts, he noticed something important. - Y/n...

          Without any warning, he runs to the door and leaves the room, leaving Sofia alone and confused. Jeno starts to run by the university. ''Where is she at this time...?'' He repeats to himself, trying to remember when you used to tell him about your classes and routine. He has to find you. Probably, if you see that article, you could believe it was true and then his chances with you would be over. He has to explain to you it was a lie. That he is not, with no possibility, dating Sofia.

-Julian, I'm telling you. If you don't let go of me, I'm gonna scream. I'm gonna run and call the police. I swear! - You say trying to take his hand off your forearm while he is dragging you to who knows where. Julian seems to be in a trance.

          He just keeps walking and pulling you, ignoring everything you are saying, what is making you really scared now. He finally stops and when his eyes come back to you, you feel a cold shiver on the back of your neck. It looks like he is crazy.

-You're gonna listen to me now. - He starts to talk, pressing you against the wall. - Your place is with me. - Amazingly, his low tone was the scarier than his yelling ones. - You are mine. I don't wanna see nobody touching you other than me. - He points his finger at you while his face is only a few inches from yours, getting to the point of his nose touching yours. His sharp gaze feels like a cutting knife.

-I don't want... to be with you. - You say slowly. Your teeth hurt by how strong you are closing your jaw. Your hands were cold and trembling when he grabbed your chin.

-But you will. - His fingers penetrate in your cheeks leaving a trace of pain in there.

          Your eyes form tears while you look at him in rage. It rolls down your face, getting in contact with his fingers and you pray from the bottom of your heart for help.

-TAKE YOUR HANDS OFF HER, JULIAN! - The sudden scream startles both of you. Julian looks behind him, seeing Jaemin coming to your direction. You shut your eyes hardly as more tears fall from your eyes, but this time from relief.

-I swear. If you don't get out of my sight right now, I'm gonna kill you. We are trying to have a conversation here. - Julian says and Jaemin glances at you.

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