Summer plans - Chapter 25

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-YOU AGAIN? – The loud voice of the woman in the room makes all of you shut an eye due to the pain in your ears. The woman sighs as you four stand in front of her in the principal's office. – Am I having a dejavu here? I thought I had already told you to not be involved in more fights scandals, hadn't I? – The principal says and you press your lips together.

-It's not her fault, miss. It was between me and Julian. They were trying to calm us down. – Jeno says and she turns her gaze at him.

-AND YOU, UGH? WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING? In front of so many university pickers! Do you want to throw your future in the trash? – She asks and Jeno sighs, looking down. – Look, I'm gonna let this one pass because of you, Jeno. I know you since you were a boy and now you are already a man. But I don't want you coming back here acting like a child again. Do you understand? – She says and Jeno nods. You furrow your eyebrows, curious about what you have just heard. "Do they know each other for that long?" You think. – And you two, you are in for it. Take care from now on. – She says pointing at Rylee and Julian. – You can go now. – Turning around, they get out of the room. Also prepared to leave, you and Jeno start to walk, but the principal calls him again. – And how is your mom, Jeno? – She asks while looking at some papers.

-She is doing great. Thank you for asking. – He says and grabs the door handle.

-Won't you ask about anything more? – She asks and he stops.

-No. I have nothing more to know. Good morning, Miss. – He says and leaves the room.

            Following him, you two walk by the empty halls of the university. Since last Friday was the last day of class, there are not many people there now. Feeling the curiosity hitting you, you decide to ask.

-Uhm... Do you know the principal since you were a kid? – You ask.

-You can say that. – He says and you nod.

-Is she your relative or something like that? – You look at him and he remains in silent for a second.

-No. She was just... a friend to my mom. – He says and you nod again, understanding it now. – Anyway, do you have something to do now? – He asks looking at you. You shake your head. – I'm going to stop by my mom's. If you... want to come too. Yu said that she and Lily miss you. – He says and you giggle.

-Okay, then. Let's go! – You say smiling widely.

            Meanwhile, after leaving the principal's office, Rylee and Julian walk towards the exit. Specifically, Rylee in the front and Julian behind. Her step crashes the floor violently as Julian lets out a long groan.

-How long will you be mad at me, Rylee? Stop being childish. It was only a stupid party competition. It didn't mean anything. You said that yourself. – Julian says and Rylee stops turning around with an angry gaze.

-I'm not mad because of the competition, Julian. – She snorts. – What was that confession you did for me? It was ridiculous! – She says and Julian rolls his eyes.

-I just didn't know what to say, Rylee. I'm not the romantic type. Forget about that. – He says and she scoffs.

-And after that, you even fought with Jeno. And because of what? HER! You got this black eye on your face because of her! Again! You promised me if I found out who she was dating, you would forget everything about her. – She says and Julian stays quiet for some seconds.

-He was provoking me, Rylee. You saw that. – He says running his hands on his face.

-You know what, Julian? You don't love me. That's it. – Rylee says and starts to walk away. Julian clicks his tongue and runs pulling her back by her arm.

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