Celebrating - Chapter 105

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        After the coffee, you finish your makeup and Jeno gets ready. You take your stuff fast, not believing you were able to do everything in 20 minutes. You open the door, firstly peeking to see if there was any inspector around.

-It's empty. Let's go! – You whisper and you two get out with low giggles leaving your mouths, but suddenly, one of the room's doors open, startling you and Jeno.

          Surprisingly, also leaving the dorm, Sofia shows up. Her eyes meet yours with a closed face. At the hall, two big suitcases tell you she must be taking her stuff out. You three stay silent as Sofia is filled with anger. Jeno coming out of your room that early in the morning could only mean one thing: you spent the night together. The timing couldn't be better than that, which made a smirk grow on your face. You quickly lock your door and hold his hand.

-Let's go. – You say, pulling him, and leaving Sofia behind.

          You go down the stairs, getting out of the building and Jeno glances at you.

-What is this proud face of yours, ugh? – He asks, intertwining your fingers, and you chuckle.

-I don't know what you're talking about. – You say ironically and he scoffs. You two stop on the main hall, where many students pass by, each one with their own concerns. – In the end, everything worked out. You did your test, you passed, Sofia got what she deserved and now we are together. I could even rub it in her face just now. – You say with a proud expression and he laughs.

-As usual, so vindictive, but that was always sexy. – He says and you smirk. Looking at your cellphone, you check the time again.

-I have to go. See you later. – You say, smiling.

-Alright. Good class. Love you. – He says, pecking your lips. Hearing that never felt so good. And knowing he feels the same way brings you relief that even if anything bad happened, you wouldn't mind it, because he is there.

-Love you. – You say back, turning around and rushing to the class.

          Jeno sighs deeply, now going to his dorm to change his clothes from the other night. He can surely say that this is the happiest moment of his life. For a moment, it all seemed so dark and he couldn't see a way to get through it, but now he can't believe he has everything he always wished, and even more. In particular, about you, he is trying to keep his cool in middle of a so deep feeling.

          Later that day, Maya was sitting on your usual table after grabbing her lunch. She glances at the front door and a smile appears on her lips seeing you and Jeno arriving holding hands. You wave at her happily from afar and she chuckles.

-Hey, Maya! – You say sitting down.

-Hello, to the love doves. I see you made up in the end. – She says and Jeno chuckles, looking at you.

-Yeah, we did. And now... she is my girlfriend. – Jeno says proudly.

-Well, finally. – She says and you two laugh. – At least now Sofia and her mom are not here anymore to piss you off. – Maya says and you frown.

-Ugh? Sofia's mom is not here? You mean she isn't the Principal anymore? – You ask as Jeno also get surprised.

-No, she isn't. After what happened to Sofia, she "decided" to step down as a Principal. But of course, all the rumors say that she wouldn't be able to keep the job since her own daughter cheated on a test from her educational program. The new Principal will arrive next week. – Maya says and you widen your eyes.

-Woah! And how do you know about all of this? – You ask.

-They posted today on Gossiper Seoul – Maya says and you arch an eyebrow.

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