Crossroad - Chapter 112

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At another part of the city, you look through the bus window, waiting for some minutes until getting to your parents' house. As you told Jeno, you seized the opportunity from the holiday to visit them. Since your grandmother passed away, many things happened too, and you had no time to meet them, but that was not the only reason for you to go there.

You get to the house. Your past home. You used to spend all your days there, but now with the university, it brings you a nostalgic feeling. It looked so easy in those times when you didn't need to deal with anything other than doing your homework for school and watching your favorite cartoon on TV. You press the doorbell, knowing very well you could simply get in, but wanting to surprise your mother, you decided to do it.

-Yes? - Your mom opens the door and gasps immediately seeing you. - Y/n! I didn't know you would come! - Your mom says giving you a tight hug. You chuckle, hugging her back and entering the house.

-I know. I wanted to do a surprise. - You say turning to her again. - Where's dad? - You ask, following her to the kitchen, seeing she was previously doing the dishes.

-He is out today to fix something about the car. As usual, I have no idea what's about. - She jokes and you laugh. Your smile fades away slowly, remembering of the things you have in mind, which was the main reason of today's visit.

-How is he now that... grandma passed away? - You ask and your mother shrugs, with a sad smile.

-He is okay. Trying to take care of his father too. It was even harder for him I guess, since he was the one who spent more time with her. - Your mother says and you nod. - So? What are the news? How is it going with university? - Your mom asks, changing the subject, putting the dish towel on the counter.

-You know... The same as usual. This week I delivered an important homework and now I'm more relieved about the subjects. - You say and she nods. - Also, Jeno passed his test on Joffrey.

-Oh, really? That's good to know. - She says excited.

-Yeah. I'm really glad for him. He is so talented and I'm sure he is gonna have success on his career. - You say and she nods. - He is going to New York now.

-New York? Wow. That's far. And great, of course. - She fixes the phrase and you smile.

-Uhm... actually, mom, I wanted to talk to you about something. As you know, this semester I must choose where my next internship is gonna be. My teacher talked about an option of finishing my studies abroad. - You say and your mother frowns, seeming interested.

-Oh. And what do you think about it? - She asks.

-Well, I thought a little about it. It looks pretty cool. I hadn't this idea in mind, but he said that it could be very good for my career, and that there are three options this year. Singapore, Australia or New York. - You say and your mom gasps, interrupting you.

-Oh, my! Singapore? Really? This is awesome! - She says looking extremely happy and you arch an eyebrow, not understanding the motive. - Y/n, this is perfect! Your grandfather moved to Singapore recently. You know, after grandma passed away, he decided to live in the house they had together. Robert and I thought it was a good idea, but we were worried he would be lonely. But now with this news, we can all move together to Singapore! The family will be reunited! - She says with shiny eyes, but you look at her with a worried face.

-Uhm... I didn't know about that. To be honest, mom... - You look down. - I was thinking about choosing... New York. - You say and your mother's wide smile closes immediately.

-New York? What would you do in New York? - She asks, looking at you in the eyes. - Don't tell me it's because of Jeno, Y/n. - She says crossing her arms.

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