A Last Lesson Of Love - Chapter 98

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        You four get in the car. Jaemin starts the engine and leaves fast. In other condition you would make a joke about Rylee being there too, but your mind can only think about your grandmother now.

          You arrive at the hospital, and you run to the receptionist to ask her which room your family is. The group follows you a little behind, all of them worried by the whole situation. Getting to the room's door, you look back at them a bit unsure.

-We are waiting for you here. Don't worry about us. Just go. - Maya says and you nod, getting in the room.

          You see your mom, your dad and some of your uncles and aunts. They greet you with a head nod, keeping the silence of the room. On the hospital bed, your grandmother turns to look at you, immediately opening a wide smile.

-Y/n... my angel. - She says with a weak voice. Your eyes fill with water as you sit on the chair beside the bed.

-Grandma... Are you okay? You are scaring me. Don't do that. – You say with sad eyes and she chuckles.

-Scared with what? I'm already old. Soon or later I'll be going. – She says and before you could complain about her words, she takes your hands on hers. – Oh, my daughter... Your hand is warmer than ever, but your heart... is so cold. – She says and you look down. – You've been giving so much, but receiving nothing back. What kind of sacrifice have you been doing, ugh? – She asks, caressing your hand. You know you can never hide anything from her. You stay silent while your heart aches. – This kind of feeling... can only mean love. – She smiles and a tear drop falls from your eye. Her caring hand tries to wipe it off, but her strength is fading off. You take her hand, placing it on your cheek, laying your face on it. – Don't give up, my angel. You're the one who deserves it the most. – She says, pulling her hand back. - Now, I'm feeling a little sleepy. Maybe I should rest a bit. – She says and you nod, weakly smiling at her.

          Grandma closes her eyes and you stand up, walking towards your mom.

-Grandma always with her hand sensing. – Your mom jokes and you chuckle. Little does she know grandma was actually right.

-What did the doctors say? Is she going to be okay? – You ask and you mom looks at her with a worried face.

-We don't know for sure. She already had a heart problem. The doctors said the attack made it get weaker. – Your mom says and you notice she is holding back her emotions.

          A second after your mom said that, you heard the scary continuous sound coming from the monitor of your grandmother. You are very familiar with that sound from the many activities you had done on your university. Her heart had stopped.

          All the family widen their eyes, rushing to her bed. Your dad calls her as the despair wakes up the basic instincts of the human being in his mind, without success. The doctor and the nurses come in, doing all the procedures, but after long minutes, you had to say goodbye to her.

          It seemed not true. You were in shock, not knowing how to react. You get out of the room and your expression told your friends what had just happened. Maya widens her eyes, running and wrapping you with her arms.

-Y/n... I'm so sorry. – Maya says in a tight hug as the tears flow out of your eyes in a straight line by your face. You couldn't find words to say anything to her. Feeling more hands your back, Jaemin and Rylee you, bringing some warmth of consolation.

          Maya pulls away, looking at your face. You look hurt, empty inside. What could she do for you?

-Y/n, sit down a little bit. I'm gonna take some water for you, okay? – Maya says and you simply nod, sitting on the bench in front of the room. Turning to Jaemin, Maya whispers. – Stay with her. I'll be back soon. – She says and Jaemin nods, sitting down beside you, holding your hand.

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