Family Meeting - Chapter 27

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          You sigh deeply and click on the name in the screen.

-What? – You take the call annoyed.

-I have something to tell you. – Julian says and you roll your eyes.

-Say it. – You say.

-I'm gonna take Rylee to our family meeting. – He says and you freeze.

-What the hell are you saying, Julian? – You ask him and Jeno furrows his eyebrows confused. – You must be kidding me.

-I just thought I should let you know that. – He says and you feel your blood boiling.


-They're gonna know soon or later, Y/n. – He says nervously.

-So you want them to know, ugh? Be prepared for the consequences, then. They're gonna know about everything. JERK! – You scream and hang up.

            Taking your hands to your hair, you feel your eyes get teary. The feeling of rage comes up to your throat and Jeno holds you by your arms.

-Y/n! What happened? Hey! – He calls you and you look at him.

-Julian said he is going to take Rylee to our family meeting! – You say and Jeno arches his eyebrows surprised.

-What? – He asks not believing that.

-How does he dare to do that? Take that girl to our family meeting after cheating on me with her. And... and... our parents, Jeno. They are going to freak out. What am I gonna do? – You say and Jeno can notice your eyes reflecting due to the tears. He pulls you for a hug, surprising you. Not pulling away, you hug him back, using his chest to hide from the rest of the world.

-Calm down first. It's gonna be okay. I told you before that your parents will understand your choice. – Jeno says and you shake your head tightening the grip.

-No. You don't know them. They freaked out when I chose the veterinary course and they're gonna freak out again when I say that I'm not dating their best friend's son. And Rylee is gonna be there laughing at me while I get scold. I'll just look like a fool. – You say and Jeno sighs.

            Caressing your back, he does what he can to make you a little calmer. You breathe deeply, wanting to prevent the tears from falling more, but inside you there's a fear of what's about to come, and, at the same time, an anger against Julian for taking Rylee to such important event just to introduce her in front of your parents as if they were the most innocent people in the world. Jeno slightly pulls you away to look at you seriously in the eyes.

-Take me with you. – He simply says and you furrow your eyebrows.

-Jeno, this is not a joke. This is serious. All my family is going to be there. – You say.

-I'm serious. I'll go with you. If Julian is going to introduce Rylee, you introduce me too then. – He says shrugging and you stare at him.

-You don't know how my family is. You won't like what you're going to hear from them. – You say again.

-It doesn't matter. We're in this together, aren't we? Let me go with you. Introduce me as your boyfriend. – He says intensely. You stare at him again thinking about that possibility. Looking down, you wipe your tears and sniff.

-Are you sure? – You ask in a low tone.

-I am. – He says. You sigh not believing that you're gonna really do it.

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