Fighting (For) You - Chapter 79

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        A drop of sweat rolls down your temple as your heart beats fast. Sofia glances at her wardrobe. You can listen to her steps getting closer to you. She reaches out her hand and holds the wardrobe's doorknob to open it.

-AAAAH!!! - A loud scream draws Sofia's and Maya's attention. - FIRE! FIRE!

          You all listen to a girl's scream making all the other girls in the dorm get out of their rooms. Sofia moves away from the wardrobe, running to the kitchen, where the scream is coming from to check what's happening. Getting there, the girls see a teapot on fire above the stove. The girls hug each other desperate seeing the flame getting bigger. The dorm's inspector gets there on her pajamas (never seen by anyone in this Earth before) and clicks her tongue.

-WHO IS THE RESPONSABLE FOR THIS STUPIDITY? - The inspector yells scaring even more the girls who look at each other like they would really admit it if it was them. The inspector sighs heavily. - Give me that dish cloth. FAST! - She yells at the girl beside her and the girl wakes up from her terrified state.

          The inspector wets the fabric and turns off the stove. Throwing the wet dish cloth on the teapot, the girls see a thin steam going up to the kitchen's roof, now realizing how easy was to end with that flame.

-LISTEN! - The inspector yells again, startling the girls for the last time (in that night). - That's why there's a sign here. - She points at a paper on the wall. - Turn. Off. The. Stove. After. Using. IT! - She says and the girls gulp. - You're luck there's no camera here. But I hope it doesn't happen again. Am I clear? - The inspector says and all the girls nod intensely. - Gosh... These girls will kill me someday. - She says walking back to her room. - AND COME BACK TO YOUR ROOM! - She yells from her room and all the girls quickly go to their room.

          Maya observes Sofia going to her room again. Sofia takes the opportunity to check the wardrobe like she was doing before. She opens it at once, not finding anything different there. She sighs heavily, throwing herself on her bed. ''Maybe these girls from here are in fact kinda crazy.'' She thinks.
          Also coming back to her room, Maya opens her door.


-AH! - Maya screams seeing you sitting on her bed. - Omg. I almost died right now. Are you able to, like... teleport or something like that? - She says putting her hand on her heart.

-Sorry. I didn't want to scare you. - You say.

-Don't worry. I was afraid Sofia was gonna find you there. She is too hard to distract. I couldn't do much for you. - Maya says and you shake your head.

-No, it was perfect. I found out the reason Sofia came back. And you will get shocked! - You say and Maya sits beside you, getting very curious. - When I got to Sofia's room, I looked in her drawers and found an envelope. There was sooo much money in there. I was confused why she had all of that there, but then I saw some documents with it. There was a picture of a judge of Joffrey's test there too. It was a contract. - You say and Maya frowns.

-A contract? - Maya asks. - A contract for what?

-To let her do the test too. As a participant. - You say and Maya gasps.

-Wait... does it mean... - She starts to say.

-Yeah. She lied to everyone that she was studying on Joffrey and now she came back because she needs Jeno as her partner. She is using him to get to Joffrey without anyone knowing. And she is bribing the judge to help her to do it. - You say and Maya covers her mouth in shock. - Probably if somebody else knew about this, she could even go to jail, I don't know. – You say and Maya widens her eyes.

-Wow... I never thought Sofia could do something like that. Even with that personality of hers. – Maya says and you nod agreeing with her. That goes beyond Jeno. It's a matter of the law now. – So, what are you gonna do? – She asks and you breathe out.

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