Wrong Timing - Chapter 113

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-It's okay. Don't think about that now. If there's a way I can help you with whatever you need, know that I'm here for you. – Jeno says with a soft voice, making all that scenario become calm. Everything else was silent, but it was a comfortable silence, as usual when you are with him.

You look up at him and smile checking his face out. His words always put your feet again on the ground, remembering that anything can be fixed if he was there.

His arms open as you wrap his waist in a tight embrace, leaning your head on his chest and snuggling closer.

-I want cuddles. I want a lot of kisses and hugs. You can help me like that. – You say in a cute voice, and he chuckles, taking his hand to your hair.

-Yes, ma'am. – He says, caressing your head and you sigh feeling relieved. Having him is just so good.

-You will always be here, right? – You ask while he runs his fingers by your hair.

-Always. – He assures.

-No matter how far away we are? – You ask again.

-No matter how far. – He says and you smile, making him smile too.

He gets his face down a bit, pecking your face multiple times. His lips touch your skin softly, making you start to get sleepy, but even so, your hand didn't leave his shirt, holding it to keep him close.

-It's so cute when you get all clingy. – He jokes and you grin with your eyes closed. – You're beautiful. – He says one more time, still kissing your cheek. – Everything is gonna be alright. – You let out a long sigh, opening your eyes.

-Can you sleep here tonight? – You ask and he chuckles.

-Of course I can. - He says, feeling your hand on the side of his face. Your thumb caresses his lips as his eyes look at you with affection, letting you pull his neck so you could kiss him.

Stomping her feet anxiously, Rylee stares at her cellphone, wondering what she should do.

-Is it too early to send him a message? Am I being too clingy? - She talks with herself, seeing Jaemin's chat on the screen.

It's passed a few days since they started to date, and just the thought of how everything happened makes her heart race. It feels like it was her first time, which is completely stupid in her opinion, since she is an experienced girl who had gone out with many guys in her life and knows exactly how they work (also in her opinion).

''Alright, we know the rule. If the girl gets too clingy, it gives the guy the sensation of claustrophobia. They need space. They all say so. Julian used to hate when I flooded him with messages. Maybe I should wait. I don't want him to think I'm annoying.'' She thinks, biting her nails and immediately taking it off her mouth, checking if she had messed with her just-made nail polish. She found herself in a weird situation. She is missing him like crazy, and she doesn't know where this is coming from. Normally she found annoying when guys kept trying to get in contact with her all the time, but now she is mentally begging for a message from him.

Suddenly, she gets startled with her phone vibrating. Looking at screen fast, she sees his name. Widening her eyes, she clicks on it.

-Hello, my sunshine! How are you? Sorry for taking too long to send a message. My phone died this morning and I forgot my charger in the room. - She reads Jaemin's message, and a smile grows on her lips.

-Hi! No problem. I am very busy today and I haven't checked my messages anyway. - She writes back, pretending not to have had an existential crisis just some seconds ago. She is taken by surprise when she sees Jaemin calling her out of nowhere. She gulps and picks it up. – H-Hey! - She says, a little nervous.

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