Tell Me The Truth - Chapter 74

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-She told me you and Jeno were not really dating. That it was fake. – He says and you feel a cold drill going up your spine. "She knows." You think as you heart start beating faster. – Is that true? You can trust me, Y/n. – He says looking at your eyes and you look down.

-Jaemin... it's not that I didn't want to tell you. It's just too complicated. – You say sighing as he stares at you.

-Can you tell me what's happening? Sofia is doing something, right? – Jaemin asks and you stare at him for a second. There's no way you can hide it anymore.

-You have to promise me you won't tell this to anyone, Jaemin. – You say and he nods. You sigh and look down. – It's true. My relationship with Jeno... was not real. – You say and Jaemin widens his eyes. – We made an agreement that would benefit both of us. Jeno needed a partner for his test and I needed someone to help me to teach Julian a lesson. – You say and Jaemin sighs, leaning on the couch.

-You could have told me, Y/n. I would never tell anyone about it. I would have helped you. – He says with a worried gaze.

-I know... I know. – You look at him again. – I think I just got to a point that... I didn't want to tell the truth to myself. – You confess looking away at the other students, trying to hide what your words really meant, but Jaemin got it right away. You had got to the point... of truly liking Jeno. Jaemin clenches his jaw, seeing the look in your eyes.

-What about Sofia? Tell me what's she's been doing. – Jaemin asks changing the course of the conversation a bit.

-She is threatening me. If I hadn't broken up with him, she would have kicked him out of the test because, in her opinion, I'm not good enough for him and I would waste his opportunity anyway. Now I can't talk to him or she will piss me off. – You snort. – But I've been thinking... that maybe she is not here just because of Jeno. – You say and Jaemin arches an eyebrow.

-What do you mean? – He asks and you shrug resting you head on the couch.

-I don't know. Maybe there's something we don't know about her. But even so, I think I wouldn't do anything. Maybe she is right. Maybe she is better for him. – You say and Jaemin shakes his head.

-Don't say that. You are much better than her. – He says intensely and you chuckle.

-Your opinion doesn't count, sir. You're my friend. – You joke and he laughs.

-I'm serious. – Jaemin says looking at you with a soft gaze. You smile looking down.

-Thanks. – You say shyly. – Anyway, don't tell Jeno anything, please. I don't want him to get mad at Sofia now that it's his only option. – You say and Jaemin nods. "You really like him this much, ugh?" Jaemin thinks chuckling mentally. He takes his phone, opening his Instagram.

-This is the guy you are searching for. – He shows you on the phone. – He was Sofia's partner in Jeno's place. They did the test together and were accepted in Joffrey together. – He says and you nod.

-Thank you, Jaemin! – You say and he smiles.

-You're welcome. I have to go now. I have classes. – He says good bye and walks to the classroom.

          Getting there, Jeno's class is still organizing their things to leave the classroom. Jaemin spots him and walks in his direction. He places his backpack on the floor, glancing at him.

-How is it going with Sofia? – Jaemin asks and Jeno looks at him.

-Not that bad I guess. – Jeno says and Jaemin stands straight, facing him.

-It seems you didn't take so long to move on. – He says and Jeno straightens his eyes.

-What are you saying, Jaemin? – Jeno steps closer, looking at him in the eyes.

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