Dance Practice - Chapter 4

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-Let's go now. We have to take the last pictures. - You say and he nods standing up.

            You two walk to a clothing store and get in there.

-Okay, now... Try to take a picture of me while holding my hand. - You say and he takes your phone.

            Reaching out his hand one more time, the contact is still not completely normal for you. Jeno's hand are slim and warm. His fingers are thin, just like his skin, making him look like a porcelain.

-Your hands are cold... - He says feeling the sensation. You look down at your hand and up at him.

-They say if you got cold hands, you got a warm heart. - You say and he smiles. - I wonder if your heart is cold since your hands are so warm. - You show him a suspecting gaze. Jeno stares at you while you look at his eyes.

-Let's take the picture. - He says raising the phone as you chuckle. ''Maybe a cold heart...'' You think.

            After some more pictures, you decide to call it a day. Looking at your gallery, you see an amount of 30 pictures. Some of you, taken by him; some of him, not showing his face; some of you holding hands, and some of the clothes and food you got.
            Going to the main entrance again, you turn to look at Jeno.

-See you tomorrow. And next week for the dance classes. - He says smiling like he wants to remind you of your deal. You smile back.

-Sure. - You say laughing.

-Do you want me to give you a ride? - Jeno asks taking a key out of his pocket. You show him a surprised face when he climbs on a bike and takes the helmet. Putting it on his lap, he looks at you back.

-I already called a cab. Thank you. - You say. Actually, you love motorcycles and you felt tempted to accept it, but since you know Jeno for not so long, you preferred to go alone to not be awkward.

-Okay then. I'm gonna wait until it arrives, so you will not be alone here. - He says and you chuckle. You didn't know Jeno could be the gentleman caring type, but you guessed wrong.

            You wait a bit for the cab to arrive. Looking at Jeno again, you wonder how you got in this situation. Yes, it's a crazy situation, but it's better than lose for Julian and Rylee. Or maybe you are just gathering all your rage to try to kill the pain inside your chest. Julian was very far away from being the perfect boyfriend (or even a good one), but even so, you trusted him and loved him, and the image of him with another girl made you feel alone and stupid.

-Your cab is here. - Jeno says and you look up. You didn't even notice the car was parking in front of you. Jeno looks at you wondering if he should certificate if you are really fine.

-See you tomorrow. - You say and he nods.

            Putting his helmet, Jeno starts the bike and comes back home. Getting there, he parks next to his apartment and takes his cellphone out of his pocket. Opening the Instagram, he chuckles. You posted some of your pictures and there are already hundreds of likes and comments. ''This is surely gonna be in the journal tomorrow.'' Jeno thinks. ''I must have gone crazy.'' He scoffs and gets in his house.
            In the next morning, you wake up already knowing how the day is going to be. You get ready for the classes and walk to the university. On your way to there, you ran into Maya.

-Heeey! Maya! - You shout her name waving your hands. She quickly opens a smile and comes running to you.

-Heeey, sis! - She says and hugs your arm showing you a suspicious look. You look back at her with confused eyes.

-W-What? - You ask smiling.

-I saw the pictures you posted yesterdaaay! - She says jumping and you chuckle. - So, are you really dating someone? I thought you were just trying to piss Julian off. - She says and you laugh nervously.

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