Fraternity Party - Chapter 5

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-All right, darling. So, Let's begin. - He says, making you wake up for reality and stand still. - This dance tells the story of a plebeian who fell in love with a princess, but she was destined to love with the prince, so they can't be together. - He says while you keep looking at the monitor. - At the end, the plebeian wants to risk everything to stay by her side, but as the princess loves him so much, she chooses to sacrifice herself so the plebeian won't die. - He says and you look at him.

-Wow... this is so sad... - You say and Jeno chuckles.

-Yes, it really is. The majority of antique stories are, though. - He says walking to the center of the classroom. You follow him with your eyes, waiting for his commands. – Let's start. – He says and you stay by his side looking at the mirror. You are a little nervous for some reason. – The song starts with both of us looking at each other and then we start to dance. – Jeno looks at you intensely in the eyes. Now you found out where he got his intense gaze. When Jeno talks to you, he never looks away, which makes you nervous. – Look at me. – He says in a deep tone.

-I'm looking. – You say looking at him and then looking away. He walks closer, drawing your attention.

-You will get used to it with time. Look at my eyes. – You look up at his dark orbs. He stares down at you while you try to breathe. He grins. – Good. – He says, taking some steps back. – I'm gonna start sliding and getting closer to you. Try to do this movement. – He shows you a movement and you sigh deeply. Looking at the mirror, you shyly open your arms and do the move. You look at Jeno waiting for his reaction. – Uhm... Yeah. We have a lot of work to do. – He says and you roll your eyes.

-Come ooon. Is it that bad? – You say, making the movement again. Jeno laughs, showing you an eye smile. You have never seen him smiling like that. You thought he was a serious person, but this smile made you a little more comfortable with him.

-No, it's not so bad. You did quite good for your first time. - He says and you smile.

            And just like that, you and Jeno started the practice. You noticed that he was being very patient with you, even when you forgot something he had just taught you. You also notice how passionate Jeno is about dancing. He is really good at it, making you want to help him with his test. After an hour and a half, you lie down on the floor, panting and sweating.

-Omg. Wait. I need to breathe. – You say looking at the roof while Jeno grabs a water bottle.

-You handled it well. I think we can call it a day now. – He says handing you the water bottle after opening it. You nod looking at him.

-How come you don't look tired at all? Are you even sweating? – You say and he chuckles.

-Yes, I am, but normally I practice all day long. – He says and you make a surprised face. "Wow... he is incredible..." You think. Taking his backpack and putting the cap again, Jeno turns to you. – So, let's come back? – He asks standing in front of you.

-Yes. When do you want to practice again? – You ask taking your stuff as well.

-As soon as possible. If you are free, next week. Because there is the party this weekend. – He says and you turn to look at him fast.

-Will you go to the party? – You ask him.

-Yes. Will you? – He asks back.

-Yeah. I think so. I'll go with Maya. She even asked if my "boyfriend" doesn't mind me going alone. – You say and Jeno laughs.

-You have to be cautious. – He says.

-I know, I know, but it's all right. We're gonna have fun and it will be a great night. – You say winking at him while he locks the door.

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