Sacrifice - Chapter 64

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-See you tomorrow. I'm gonna talk to the Principal and see what happens now. – He says and you nod.

-Alright. See you, handsome. – You say giving him a kiss, bringing a smile to his face.

           In the next day...

-This is a total nonsense! – Jeno scoffs resting his hands on his hips. You sigh deeply not liking to see him like that.

-This is not a joke, Jeno. I think you're not understanding what opportunity you have in your hands. – The Principal says firmly. – The test you are applying for is the dream of many dancers around the world. It's not a place for amateurs. – She says and he rolls his eyes.

-I should be the one to say who I dance better with. Y/n is my partner. We practiced for months. – He says and the Principal sighs, leaning on her chair.

-These. Are. The rules. – She repeats herself as he looks at her with fire in the eyes. – I'm not letting you apply to this test with her. It's the last warning. Find yourself a proper partner or you are out. – She says and you look at him worried. You already knew it would happen. Jeno doesn't know Sofia is plotting all of this, and maybe it's better for him to not know it. – I've known you and Sofia talked. – She says after some seconds of silence. – You should do the test with her. I believe she has already offered it to you. – Jeno takes a deep breath. You can feel he is controlling himself to not just burst out of anger.

-I have to go now. Excuse me, Miss. – He says and gets out of the room, leaving you behind with the Principal. You gulp, surprised to see him like that. In a way you've never seen before.

-Convince him. – Her voice wakes you up from all your thoughts. You look at her and she shrugs. – You know he is like this because of a personal issue, right? – She asks and you furrow your eyebrows.

-What do you mean? – You ask already knowing the answer.

-Do you think he would choose you if he had no problems with Sofia? – Her question hits you right in the chest, making you look away from embarrassment and pain. – Jeno and Sofia are the best dancers of this university, but he lets his emotional get into his carrier too much. – She sighs throwing her glasses on the table. You look at her again feeling your throat dry. – Don't be the one who will bring him down. I think that's not what you want. If you really like him. – She says and you feel your eyes get watery.

          With no words to say against all that, you leave the office closing the door slowly. You run your hand through your hair, not knowing what you should do. Your head try to create many ways, but nothing seems to really work. You look around, searching for Jeno, spotting him on his phone some meters away from there. You get closer to him seeing him end a call.

-Shit! Why isn't anyone free? – He curses clicking his tongue. He looks at you coming and turns around. – I called my friends, but... they all have their schedules full. – He says desperate. The image of this Jeno doesn't affect only him, but also yourself.

          Without saying anything, you hug him. Your arms wrap his neck and your body glues on his. Jeno hugs you back tightly, letting his breathing normalize again. After some seconds, you pull away, immediately sealing your lips with his in a deep kiss. You bend your head as your mouths dance together feeling the taste of love and despair together. In a moment like this, your kiss is the only thing which could make him stop and shut down from the world.
          You finish the kiss giving a tight peck on his lips. His eyes look at yours with attention, trying to concentrate everything he has on you, avoiding himself from exploding. You cup his cheek, caressing him with your thumbs and putting your foreheads together.

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