Change of Perception - Chapter 70

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        You come back to the dorm after washing your face in the restroom. Yes, you are at your worst, but you wouldn't let Sofia see it. Glancing at your sides, you don't see any sign of her and you go to the door beside yours. You knock it three times and some steps quickly reach the door.

-Hey, Maya! – You say and Maya smiles stepping back for you to get in.

-Right in time, sis. I've just ordered some food. Korean food. – She says and your eyes shine. – And I ordered some for you too. – You gasp.

-No waaay! Maya, you're the best! – You say giving little jumps. It's normal for you to do that since you're always at each other's room.

          You two start to eat, sharing the food.

-So, how was your day? Will you tell me why you were crying this time? – She asks and you glance at her.

-Is it that obvious? – You say pouting.

-Your swollen eyes say yes. – She says slurping a bit of her spicy ramen and you sigh.

-Well, today after the class, Jeno was waiting for me outside. – You say and Maya chokes on her noodles.

-WHAT? – She gasps with a surprised face. – What did he want?

-He wanted to tell me that he accepted to be Sofia's partner. – You say smiling weakly and Maya's shoulders drop in disappointment.

-Oh, Y/n... I'm so sorry. – She says in a sad tone.

-He said that even though we broke up, I was there when he needed the most and he would like me to know about it. – You say feeling your eyes getting teary. – When he said that, it was so... so cute. Omg, I hate him. – You say sarcastically and Maya shows another sad smile. – And I hate myself even more because I did it for him, but now that he really accepted her... I wish he hadn't. – You say while playing with the sheets on the bed. – I'm so selfish, Maya. Like... it's his dream. And inside my heart I was hoping he didn't choose her. – You sigh deeply feeling Maya's hand caressing your back.

-Don't think like that, Y/n. Anyone in this planet would think the same. You love him, and you want to be happy with him. You ignored your own feelings so he could fulfill his'. I've never seen such thing in my whole life. – She says and you nod slowly. You look at her and smile, seeing her looking back at you firmly.

-Thank you, Maya. That means a lot. – You say and she chuckles.

-And was that it? He went away after? – She asks and you shake your head.

-No. He also said... that he always used to give up on everything when it doesn't work. So, he would be stubborn this time and ask me to wait for him to tell me the story of his past. – You say calmly and Maya stares at you.

-Y/n... - She calls you sighing. – Do you know what that means, right? – She asks and you look at her a little confused. – HE IS PRACTICALLY SAYING HE STILL LIKES YOU, GIRL. He didn't mean for you to wait only to know about his story. He is saying he is being stubborn on not giving up on you! – Maya says desperately.

-B-But I don't know what to do. I can't be with him, Maya. Sofia is gonna- - You were saying, but Maya interrupts you.

-GIRL, what about Sofia? Jeno likes you! Just- just wait until all this mess pass and take your boy back! – Maya shakes you by the shoulder and you frown for a moment. – Think with me. If Jeno pass this test, she can't take his place, right? – She asks.

-Well... I think you're right. – You say and Maya screams while jumping sit on the bed.

-You still have a chance, sis! Omg! – She hugs you and you laugh.

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