What Is Love? - Chapter 109

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At the other part of the dorm, you smile, running your nails by the naked back of the boy laying on your lap. His breathing is calm while you stare at all the curves of his muscles. His toned arms wrap your waist during a long cuddle time which he was waiting for so long. Your hands squeeze his broad shoulders, gaining a humming from him in satisfaction. A smile comes to your face, but it suddenly weakens by the many thoughts in your head.

-Jeno… - You say and he hums again in a sleepy and lazy hoarse voice. – What are we gonna do about New York? – You ask in a low tone and Jeno opens his eyes, turning around to look at you.

-What do you mean? We are gonna keep going like usual, won’t we? – He says calmly, still laying on your lap while you caress his hair.
-Yeah, of course we will. But… New York is very far away. – You say, not looking at him.

-I know. I’m already thinking about this. I can visit you now and then. I’ll do my best. – He says and you chuckle from his cuteness. Leaning over, you peck his lips softly. – It doesn’t matter what I need to do. I just wanna wait for you, and I want you to wait for me too. – He says firmly, looking at your eyes.

-I will. It’s just that… you will be in that world in USA… and there will be new people you will meet, new girls. – You say, running your hand by his chest. – What if a new girl looks prettier than me and you start liking her? – You say and Jeno laughs in an eye smile.

-There’s exactly 0% chance of that happening.  – He jokes and you giggle. – I told you that since the beginning. You’re the most beautiful girl in the world. And not only that. You’re a lot more than just beauty. – He says and you look at him. Your hair falls, covering a little part of your face, giving him the best view of you. He was not lying. He is enchanted by you.

-And what if some girl wants you to be her fake boyfriend? – You joke and he laughs again, seeing a playful smirk on your face.

-Unfortunately for her, my services of fake boyfriend are definitely closed. – He says, standing up from your lap and sitting beside you on the bed, pulling your legs to rest them above his.

-Uhm… - You say thinking. – And what about your partners, ugh? Will you dance with them like you danced with me? – You ask again, and he rolls his eyes jokingly.

-I don’t know if I will need a partner again, and if I do, I’ll always be professional. The difference of when I dance with you is because I’m saying that I love you at the same time. – He says with a smile while you feel his hand caressing your tight.

-Alright, you convinced me. – You say with a proud tone, and he laughs.

-What about you? I’ll not be here to chase away the vultures drooling over you all the time. – He says and you raise your eyebrows laughing.

-What vultures? – You say.

-The many guys wanting to steal my girl. – He pouts and you throw your head back in a laugh.

-Nobody is gonna steal me from you, sir. And also, I know very well how to shoo them away and protect myself. – You say and he smirks.

-I know that very well. – He says, leaning over to kiss your lips and you chuckle, caressing his neck while your mouths move against each other. – But seriously now, - He says, pulling away. – trust me. – He says firmly, looking at your eyes. – It's gonna be a year, but it will pass by fast, and then I’ll be back. – He says and you nod.

-You can trust me too. – You say and he smiles. – Work hard and show them you’re the best dancer in the world.

You peck his lips, and his heart gets warm. Having you supporting him makes him gain confidence to carry on. His fears and concerns seem to disappear knowing that you’re around. And the fact that he trusts you with his life makes everything lighter.

He closes his eyes, melting at your touch. He never felt like this before. Whenever you touch him, it takes a burden off his shoulders, and relief fills his chest. His hand pulls you closer, lazily deepening the kiss, and letting himself dive more and more in this feeling.

Days go by. You and Maya walk by the university’s streets after agreeing to have lunch together, this time in a restaurant.

-Aah, finally my finals are over. And now I can hang out with my super busy best friend. – Maya says and you chuckle, walking beside her.

-Sorry for being too busy. My finals are almost done too, so I must study hard if I don’t want to be screwed. – You say and Maya looks at you with a suspicious gaze, scoffing.

-As if that was the reason why you’ve been so busy lately. Are you sure it has nothing to do with a certain boy called Jeno? – She jokes and you bite your bottom lip, as a naughty smile lifts your cheeks up. Just by hearing his name, you already miss his touch.

-Maybe a little a bit. – You say and Maya chuckles.

-You two really look head over heels for each other. I’m glad you got back together in the end. You are very happy now, right? – She asks and you sigh.

-Yes… he is perfect, Maya. And everything he does makes me admire him even more. He passed Joffrey’s audition and now he is so excited to go to New York. He is hard working and I’m just so proud of him. – You say and she giggles.

-That’s good. So, it means you’re okay with the idea that he will be far away. – She asks and your smile fades away a bit. You stay silent for a couple of seconds, making Maya glance at you.

-To be honest… I’m not gonna lie and say I’m not a bit worried about it. I mean, I trust him. I trust him with my life. He has proved me many times he is different from other guys. I know he won’t cheat on me there. – You say and pause. – But… cheating is not my only concern. I’m gonna miss him, and I don’t know how it’s gonna be. We have just started dating. At least in a serious way. And I wanted to enjoy my time with him. And besides that… if he get used to be far away from me and his loves end up fading away… - You say, with a tight heart.

-That won’t ever happen, Y/n. Jeno is completely crazy for you. I’m sure he has the same concerns as you, so, don’t worry. And he said he is gonna visit you, right? – Maya says and you nod. – Then, just don’t overthink. It’s gonna be a year until he finishes his course, and then he will come back. In the meantime, calm down your little heart in love. – She jokes and you laugh.

-Yeah, you’re right. – You say, intertwining your arm with hers.

After hanging out with Maya and having a great lunch, you decide to come back to the university to organize the last things to deliver your homework. It’s the last subject for this year, and luckily, you could handle everything that happened to you so far. Today Jeno is busy with his final project too for his course, so you don’t know if you can meet him.

Tired of staying in your room, you go to the library. A good place with silence and free coffee for the students. Your focus was perfect, until someone sits in front of you, on the same table. You glance at the person and sees Rylee with a book in her hands.

-Sup. – You say, looking at your notebook again.

-Hi. – She answers, opening her book.

-Rare to see you here. Actually, I don’t remember to have ever seen you here in the library. – You say and she shows you a sarcastic smile.

-I also study, if that’s what you mean. I have a work to deliver, so yeah, I came here. And I’m sitting here because there is no much space in other tables. – She says and you look around, seeing some tables with no one using them.

-Uhm, yeah. Sure. – You say, concentrating on your work again.

You continue to type on your keyboard and to write on your notebook, but your eyesight is telling you someone can’t stop staring at you. You glance at Rylee again and she looks away, pretending she was not staring at you. You frown, finding that weird, but continue what you were doing. Trying to focus again, an annoying pen clicking sound starts, taking the little patience you had until now.

-Alright. Tell me. What do you want? – You say to Rylee and she scoffs.

-I don’t want anything. I’m just here studying. – She says and you roll your eyes.

-No, you’re not. You sat here even if there are plenty of tables available. You’re staring at me the whole time, and you got a psychology book with you even if you do engineering. So, tell me what you want to say. – You say and Rylee snorts, looking away. You wait to see what is going on while she closes the book.

-Fine. I want to ask you a question. – Rylee says and you arch an eyebrow, curious. She sighs again, playing with the book’s pages.

‘’So, I’ve seen this guy lately, and… he is kinda different from the other guys I’ve been with.

– She starts and you close your laptop, wanting to pay attention to the gossip. –

He is weird. We made out on the party day, and then he came to talk to me about it the next day, but I said it wasn’t that deep anyway. But then, he called me to hang out as friends, and we spent a day together, just talking and laughing. It was nice. We talked about many stuff, he listened to me, and in the end, I end up kissing him again. But I started to feel some strange things. I was thinking about him too much, so I decided to step back and ghost him for a bit, but we ended up meeting when I was going out with another guy. In the end, I dropped the guy and kissed him again. We came back to the dorm, and I asked him if he wanted to… you know, sleep over. And he said no.

– Rylee says and you slightly widen your eyes, a little surprise. –

He said that for him it would be different than it’s for me. I-I mean, I’m confused. Why wouldn’t he want to go with me if we were having a good vibe all this time? And now, I don’t know what to do because I can’t stop thinking about him, and I don’t know why. Is it because he rejected me? O-Or, maybe I should just ignore it? What the hell do I do?

Rylee asks, looking deeply at your eyes, and you hold back a laugh to not make her angry. She was asking you for love advice, and that’s something you never thought she would do.

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