Talking About US - Chapter 114

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You get to the place you and Maya had agreed on meeting. You see her sitting at a table, sipping her favorite milkshake, the one she always orders since the first time you visited that store.

-So? What's the news? What was it that you wanted to tell me? – Maya asks in the same moment you sat with her.

-Ugh... Mayaaaa... - You whine, leaning on her shoulder and she laughs.

-What is it? Tell me. – She says, patting your head.

You tell her all the story that's been haunting you for some days now: your internship option on New York and your mom forcing you to go to Singapore.

-WHAT? SINGAPORE? – Maya screams, shocked.

-I don't know what to do, Maya. What If she is right? What if I'm being too rushed? I mean, we are dating for just a month now and I already want to follow him around. But she wants me to go with them, but... Jeno and I might not work with a distance like that. – You say very fast, but then you stop, feeling Maya's hand on yours.

-Y/n... listen to me. – Maya says and you take a deep breath. – I understand that you're worried. Going to New York is a big decision. – She says while you look at her with worried eyes. – But you're talking as if you didn't know Jeno. Y/n, you are crazy for him. Anybody can see that. And in the end, it's your choice. You know what's inside your heart. Have you talked to him about this?

-No. Not yet. I was thinking if I should really do it or not. – You say and Maya smiles.

-You are thinking about what your mom said, but you two went through a lot together. You're not only a month together. You're almost a year, even if at first you thought it was fake. Even when you were apart, he always came back to you. If you really love him, it's your choice, not your mom's. She must respect that. After all, someday you will have someone for you until the end of your life, right? – Maya says and you think on everything she said. – But you must talk to him about it.

-You're right, Maya. I'll have to talk to him soon or later. And God... I've never been so sure of who I want by my side for my whole life. I just hope he feels the same. – You say as your cheeks blush in shyness. Maya chuckles, hugging you tightly by the side.

-You're so cute when you are in love. – She says and you laugh. – I have no doubt that he will be as happy as you are with the news. Talk to him and tell me later. I want to know everything. – She jokes and you nod.

After talking to Maya, you work up the courage to talk to Jeno about it. She is right. The only way to know what you should do is talking to him, even if inside your heart there's still a little fear of what he is going to say.

In the next day, Jeno waits for you outside the back gate of the university to go on a date. In reality, nowadays you can say you do everything together, and anything is a reason for you to spend a little longer of your time together, like when having lunch, having dinner or even doing the groceries. However, today you called him to talk about your internship, but he still doesn't know that.

-Hello, beautiful. I missed you. – He says, seeing you coming from afar, waiting beside his bike, as usual. His voice is always successful to bring a smile to your face.

You get closer, immediately passing your arms over his shoulders and diving your face on his neck. He chuckles, feeling you clingier than normal, not complaining about it at all.

-What's it? Did something happen with your mom again? – He asks, and you shake your head, still smelling his essence.

-I just want to hug you. – You say, leaving a kiss on his neck, and he smiles again, cuddling you.

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