Always you - Chapter 59

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        Walking slowly by the halls, heading over the practice room, you spot your roommate. She has a big box in her hands filled with all kind of stuff and two suitcases. You run to her and she smiles.

-Angela! - You say helping her to pick some things on the floor that had fallen from the box.

-Oh, hi, Y/n! Good thing we met right now. I was wanting to talk to you so bad, but I had no time because I'm moving out. - She says.

-Yeah, I heard that you are moving. Why didn't you tell me before? I got shocked. Did I... do something you didn't like? - You ask and she shakes her head violently.

-No, no! Never! - She says as you walk together towards a taxi outside the building. You decide to pull her suitcases to help her. - Actually, I don't understand what happened until now. I got a call saying that I got transferred to another room and that I should leave in two days. I asked them why, but it was very confusing. You had not come back yet from your vacation, so I was gonna call you today to say good bye. - She says and you furrow an eyebrow. ''Could it be because of Sofia by any chance?'' You think with yourself.

-Oh... I'm sorry for that, Angel. - You say and she smiles.

-I'm okay, Y/n! Don't worry. I will miss you, though. I'm moving out, but let's keep in touch. - She says and you nod smiling.

-Sure! I'll miss you too. Good luck. - You say opening your arms for a hug.

-Thank you! - She says hugging you back.

          After Angela left, you look at your cellphone. It's almost getting at the time to meet Jeno, so it's better to walk there. The university is very crowded today since everybody is also coming back to the lessons. You repass a little of the choreography in your head, but then, a voice calls your name.

-Y/n. - You sigh deeply already knowing who it is. You turn around seeing Sofia walking towards you.

-Sorry. Got no time now. I have to practice with my partner. Bye. - You say turning around again.

-Too bad you couldn't ask the Principal to kick me out, right? - She says and you stop. - You think I wouldn't know that you went there because of that? - She asks and you roll your eyes looking at her again.

-Yeah, unfortunately you are her spoiled daughter, so now I'll have to come up with something more bothering to make you get out of my sight. But don't worry. I have many ideas for that and lot of experience with crazy people. - You say smiling ironically to her.

-Before you show me all your ideas, I want to tell you something. - She says while you stare at her. - I'll be Jeno's partner and you will step away from us. - You scoff.

-It's not only about me. Jeno doesn't want it. - You say crossing your arms.

-He doesn't want it because you are here. That's why you're gonna do exactly as I say. You will break up with him. - She says and your arch your eyebrows shocked.

-Me? Break up with him? - You laugh looking up not believing on what you heard.

-You will break up with him so he won't deny being my partner. - She says seriously and you look at him again. Your grin turns to a serious expression as well while you get closer to her.

-I won't EVER break up with him. - You say feeling your chest start to get on fire from the rage.

-Yes, you will. If not in the easy way, it will be on the hard one. You are not a dancer. You will ruin his career if I don't step in. - She says and you clench your jaw.

-He knows what he is doing. If he says I'm a good partner to him, so I trust him and I'll do my best. - Your gaze looks like it could kill a person. - You have just got here. I trained with him for almost 3 months.

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