Starting The Plan - Chapter 88

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-What the hell did you say? – You ask and Maya presses her lips together in shock, just observing that scene.

-Yeah, that's right. You're weak. Just because Sofia comes and says "oh, Jeno likes me. Oh, I'm prettier than you. Oh, you will never win against me", you quickly run away with the tail between your legs. – Rylee says, mocking the way Sofia speaks. - But in my case, I was courageous enough to face her, and now I want my revenge. – Author's note: Rylee actually tried to hide from Sofia, but she is always caught in the end. – Where's all that revenge sentiment you always talked about, ugh? Now you're a chicken. – Rylee says and you feel your blood boiling from anger. Who is she to say all that to you? She doesn't even know what you've gone through all this time. How it is to love someone. You stand up from your seat, looking at her in the eyes.

-REPEAT WHAT YOU SAID, YOU IDIOT! REPEAT! – You yell at Rylee, and she also stands up.

-I'M NOT GOING TO REPEAT BECAUSE I SAID TOO MUCH AND I DON'T REMEMBER, BUT IF I COULD, I WOULD! – She yells back, and Maya can just glance at their sides, seeing some other students whispering to each other.

-Do you think I'm weak? I'm gonna show you who is weak. FINE. I'LL GO TO THE PARTY THEN! – You say and Rylee smirks.

-ALRIGHT. SO, PROVE IT TO ME. – She yells.


-RIGHT, SO LET'S GO! – Rylee says, reaching out her hand for a high five.

-LET'S GO. – You high five her hand as you both breathe heavily. Maya stares at you two very confused.

-What the hell was this. – She wonders.


-No. No way. – Jeno says while clicking and running the pc's mouse by the table.

-Why not? – Sofia whines, stomping her foot on the floor.

-We are two weeks away from the test. I'm not in the mood for parties. We must check the details of the choreography and stay focused on it. – He says and Sofia snorts exaggeratedly.

-The choreography is perfect already. There are no flaws. You need to relax a bit. You're too nervous. – Sofia says and Jeno glares at her. – This is not a common party. A lot of important people will be there. Even people from the dance world. It would be interesting for us to go. And maybe to have some fun too. – She says and Jeno sighs.

-I don't need any other contacts. I just want to pass this test. This will already make me very known. So, this is a no. – He says, taking his bag and leaving the practice room.

          Sofia rolls her eyes, crossing her arms in annoyance. "Ugh... if I go alone, people will find weird that we are not together." She thinks, biting her nails. Due to Julian's attempt of having you back by creating the fake article about Jeno and Sofia, everybody now thinks they are really dating. Besides being good for Sofia that you believe on that, it also made her stand out even more. The fact of the best dance student and the university's principal's daughter be dating is extremely interesting for the gossipers. Now, everybody is looking at them, talking about them, and giving Sofia what she likes the most: fame and power. And she wouldn't let go of this opportunity which came to her for free.
          Coming back to your table, you, Maya and Rylee get ready for your plan to counterattack Sofia.

-So? What's your "evil plan to humiliate Sofia so she learns her place"? – You ask and Rylee shoves her hair with a proud face.

-Alright, so, - She leans her elbows on the table, getting closer to you and Maya. – First, we have to go shopping. – She says giggling in excitement as you and Maya glance at each other. – We must be very sexy and powerful so we can steal her spotlight. When we get to the party, we can't let her take the lead. We have to make this a hell for her. – Rylee says and you arch an eyebrow together with Maya.

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