Chapter 1- Being Devoured By Restraints.

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(minor trigger warning ⚠️)

I sat in the rusted chair, my whole body restrained, my neck and head were free but I couldn't move it. It was as if my mind kept telling me to look forward and only forward. The room was quiet and dark, I couldn't see anything beyond the darkness that consumed the room, slowly, it flooded my thoughts and blocked out any other previous thoughts I had. The room was quiet to the point that the chair below me squeaked. The sound would echo out ten times louder than it normally would.

Slowly, I could hear people chatting and I thought it was my thoughts bringing me closer and closer to insanity. I don't know how long I was in the chair before I woke up and honestly, I didn't care enough to be concerned.

The metal door on the left side of the room bursted open snapping me out of my thoughts. People with lab coats piled in one by one, there were 5 then 10 people. It seemed as though they multiplied from one another. All of them went off into separate groups of three, except for one. Who came towards the right of me and left my sight, I wanted to turn my head to see where he went. To get some answers as to what part of the building I had grown accustomed to I was in.

The lights turned on with a harsh flash forcing me to have to close my eyes and slowly reopen them over time. Once my eyes had adjusted to the light, a single person came over to where I was positioned. It looked like he was a male, he had brown hair shaped into a bowl cut. If I had the ability to make snarky remarks I would have done so.

The man walked behind the rusty chair and started moving machinery around me. 30 seconds later I heard the sounds of objects stop moving, feeling the restraints on my hands and legs tighten to the point that I couldn't move my hands. It's not as if I wanted to. My mind just wouldn't let my body move like it gave up all of the willpower I had left from all the torture and experimentation I had endured from my time here. If I had to guess how long I have been here I would have to say at least one year, my focus on getting out of wherever I am dissipated over time.

The person walked to the right side of me and put an IV into my arm and may I say that hurt like a bitch... HE DIDN'T USE ANESTHESIA! The man walked to the left side and did the same thing but a bit more carefully as if this was more important than the right one, finally after he had put it in my arm. The man took a step and was right next to my neck, I could hear him leaning and pick something up, which I'm guessing was another IV. I'm guessing I was right because I felt something prick my neck, it was being stabbed into my neck so slowly with such precision that it didn't hit a single nerve and didn't cause my neck to tense, which by the way is hard nonetheless is impossible from what I know.

After the man had finished, he walked over to one of the groups of three which I'm guessing all of the people in here are scientists. I wasn't sure what they wanted with me, I was told some time ago that the people that held me captive had three gifts planned for me which is why I'm guessing that I have three IVs stuck in my arms and neck. I blinked for the first time in what felt like forever. It was so hard to blink as I closed and opened them, I felt that my eyes were dry and that I had such eye strain.

After blinking I tried to focus on the four men conversing to the best of my abilities. All I heard was. "She's ready sir, you can... the... now." Before one man nodded and grabbed what looked like a tube with orange liquid? Where am I right now Willy Wonka's chocolate factory, are they are gonna turn me into an Oompa Loompa? The man stood in front of the IV on my right side and waited. I looked back to try to find the male and saw him conversing with the group on the far left talking to them before my attention was diverted to a man from the centre walking towards my left side and standing next to that IV bag with what looked like a clear liquid.

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