Chapter 41- I Guess You Can Say That I'm Officially Famous.

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(Lara's Pov)

My eyes flickered open. I teleported back to my apartment, my clothes stained in Quister's blood. I made my way to my hanger, picking up a change of clothes that Wanda had left because she didn't want it. Making my way to the bathroom, I shut the door behind me, take off my clothes and stand in the shower, turning the water on, beginning to scrub myself off from the blood that was splattered along my arms.

Exiting the shower after 10 minutes, I dry myself off and put on the clothes I had taken with me. "What's the bet that I'm on the news?" I mutter to myself, exiting the bathroom.

Opening the door to the living room, I grab the TV remote, turning it on and switching to the news. The news reporter begins speaking, I turn the volume up and begin making myself a sandwich. "Good afternoon everyone, it is currently 5pm. It has been one day since the girl in Las Vegas was spotted. It has been discovered that the unconscious person she vanished with was Landon Quister. For those that don't know, Landon Quister is a famous person who made his name clear a year ago by visiting the Bellagio casino every weekend."

"That's it?" I scoff as I stand in front of the TV, eating the sandwich I made while my wet hair drips slightly onto the floor.

"He ended up making a business deal with the casino, helping it expand slightly with more machines and more drinks to choose from." The reporter says. The image flickers from a photo of Quister to a picture of Wanda and I at the beach back when she was a part of Hydra. "It has also been discovered that the woman was spotted on a beach with another person, they apparently fought a blue blur picked up the random brunette and ran away with her. Authorities are now questioning whether the mysterious woman is a good person or is a threat that has a plan that we do not understand." The lady says. That's fun, I'm officially famous. Not only that but I'm being questioned whether or not I'm a threat.

I release a huff. "My day couldn't get any better." I say as I sit down on the couch, finishing off the sandwich I had made. I missed my date with Wanda, left my interrogation with a riddle and now I'm even being considered a threat. This is a great day to be alive. I should text Wanda, it could save me from later down the road. SHIT! I... I forgot my phone. I'm so dead, I promised Wanda I would tell her everything and I just completely threw that away. I made her get dressed for a date with me only for me to run away after a ghost.

Fuck, I can't believe I played with her feelings. I need to go back, I need to talk to her about it. Standing up, I shut my eyes and picture my bedroom. My powers begin to heat up and move through my body, my blood cells moving faster and faster. The energy circulating through me speeds up and slows down after, I open my eyes hoping that I was in the Compound. I was wrong, I'm still in my apartment, which is weird.

I shut my eyes again, trying to feel the energy flow through me so I'm able to teleport to the Compound. I feel my blood speed up and then immediately slow down as it goes back to its normal speed. What? What is happening?

I try again but my powers don't activate, they don't speed up. They just lay dormant like they're cooling down, it's like they're tired. Tired of teleporting me non-stop over the past two days.

Great, just great. That's exactly what I needed. I fell back down onto the couch annoyed. I begin to rub my hands on my face. "What do I do? I can't go back to the compound because I can't teleport or drive there, I don't have my car anymore. It's at Faye's house, I gave it to her after we made up since her car broke down. I'm not walking all that way, a bus doesn't go to the Compound, and all I have is a riddle and bloody clothes in my laundry basket." I question myself but my voice comes out mumbled.

The news cuts me out of my thoughts. "Tony Stark also known as Iron Man has just spoken out in a conference about the woman. I will let the video play now." The reporter says.

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