Chapter 21- Trading Numbers For Emergencies.

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"Maximoff?" I ask the woman that tapped on my shoulder. I was so confused, there was no way that she would come here. I mean she hated Tony so her coming to what used to be Stark Tower would make no sense.

"Who?" The woman asked only making me more confused.

"I'm sorry, who are you?" I ask the woman that has now slid into the seat on my left.

"Oh, right. I should introduce myself, I'm Elizabeth Olsen." She said to me before continuing. "You're Lara Twiney right?" She asks me still looking nervous.

"Uh, yeah I am, can I help you with something?" I ask her confused about why she knew my name and why she was nervous to talk with me.

"You're with the Avengers, it was on the news." She told me as if it was originally meant to be a question but turned into a statement.

"I'm not with them." I tell her as I take a sip of the drink in
front of me.

"But you live here?" She questions me.

"Alright, what do you want? Not to be rude but it's weird for you to come to me when I'm not talking to anyone or know anyone here." I ask her as I finish off my drink and get ready to pour another one.

"You seem to know the bartender and the scientist pretty well." She tells me as she steals the drink from in front of me and asks for a cup from Nat.

"Lara, I'm disappointed I thought you said you weren't interested." Nat tells me with a smirk on her face as she grabs a cup and hands it to the Olsen girl next to me before walking away back to Bruce.

"Seems like she just proved my point." Olsen tells me with a proud smile as she pours herself a drink.

I sat there for a second debating on whether or not to leave and go back to my floor now.

That's when it clicked there were two reasons the girl looked familiar. One was that she looked like Maximoff and the other was the fact that she was in the Godzilla movie that came out last year. "Holy shit, you're the actor that played Elle Brody on Godzilla!" I exclaimed as she took a swig of the drink, her face squeezing tightly at the bitterness.

"Yeah, I am." Was all she said as she placed the drink back on the bar table.

"I have one of your autographed discs of it. I was at the premiere, I'm proudly the first person you signed something there for." I told her as I recalled the day that I went to the premiere.

"Oh really? I didn't know that was you I remember the smile you had, what a small world." She said to me smiling.

"Yeah, it is. Anyway, what was the reason you wanted to talk to me?" I tell her still confused about why she would talk to me and not anyone else.

"Well, originally I wanted to talk to you because I wanted to get one of the numbers of the Avengers here." She told me as she looked down at the drink twisting her ring against the glass.

"Why wouldn't you get Steve or Bucky's then?" I ask her, I know I saw talk to Steve and Sam but I would've thought that she got their numbers.

"I asked them, who they would recommend having as a number in case of an emergency and they said anyone but I didn't get Steve's number because he's from the old times and probably doesn't know how phones work, If I asked Wilson he would've thought I was flirting with him or that I wanted to go on a date with him." She told me as she looked back up at me and then down again chuckling.

"What about Stark?" I question her with a raised eyebrow.

"God no. He would've thought that I wanted to sleep with him." She replied immediately making me laugh as she looked up at me with wide eyes.

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