Chapter 37- Just A Casual Day In Las Vegas.

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I had changed clothes in the jet, I was wearing a blue shirt underneath a grey jacket that was zipped up, black pants and running shoes, I picked up 3 taser discs just in case I would need it as well. Currently, I was in the casino, making my way through the crowds, I had the photo of Landon Quister burned into my mind, I just had to find him. I am going to brutalize the ever-loving shit out of him so I can get the information I need about Rigger. I still have a feeling that Rigger made a deal with someone to help him hide until the right moment but if Quister has been keeping contact with Rigger then he is going to know and he is going to tell me.

I know that my clothes choice was weird compared to what everyone else was wearing but I need to be able to run after Quister. I scanned the room, trying to match the picture in my mind with Quister but was unable to do so in the middle, he's probably at the bar, or he's on one of the machines. I have 30 minutes to find him before he leaves. I made my way to the bar, scanning it but not being able to find Quister. "Hey, barkeep do you know where I can find a person that has the last name Quister?" I question the bartender.

"Landon Quister is over by the blackjack tables." He nods to the tables. My eyes scan the separate tables, stopping on someone that looked similar, I compared him with the photo of him in my mind with him and it was an exact copy, the only difference being that he was wearing different clothes.

"Excuse me lady but can I buy you a drink?" A random person asks me as he sits down in the seat that blocks my view of Quister.

I raise my left hand, flashing my bracelet at him. "Taken." I tell him, slightly hissing my words with annoyance.

He raises his arms up. "Sorry, I didn't mean for it to sound like I was asking you out." He apologizes. "What are you doing here alone then?" He asks, intrigued.

"Taking a break from gambling." I tell him as I switch my position so I'm able to see Quister again.

"What were you gambling on?" He questions me.

"Poker." I respond simply, I'm good at poker but I know how to count cards in blackjack and I'm guessing Quister did too since he was eyeing each card, it was obvious that he would fail sometimes but he knew how to count cards, it was clear.

"I was just doing roulette." He replies.

"Did you win a decent amount?" I ask him. I know what you might be thinking. Stop Lara, I don't like him. That might be true but if I keep the conversation going then it's better cover if Quister looks this way.

"I made a profit of $1000 bucks." He answers me, proud of what he had done. "Did you win?" He asks me.

"Yeah, I made a profit of $500." I lie to him still keeping my eye on Quister.

"How long were you playing for?" He asks me.

"I played poker for 10 minutes." I say, making up a random number.

"You must be good at it if you managed to make $500 in the span of 10 minutes." He shrugs slightly.

"Yeah, I'm good at it." I respond, my eyes narrow as I see a person in a black suit approach Quister's ear and begin speaking, he was most likely a bodyguard and if he is then this is about to get a lot harder.

"That's Quister's bodyguard." The person next to me states.

"You know him?" I ask.

"Yeah, everyone does." He responds.

As I'm about to say something Quister looks at me making eye contact, quickly, he turns away.

"He's spotted you staring at him, he's playing one last game." The man informs me.

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