Chapter 38- It Hurts When You Find Out.

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(Wanda's Pov)
(3:30am: 3 hours and 30 minutes before the date.)

"Get off your phone." Nat hisses at me as she finishes off my hair.

"I was texting Faye." I huff at the Russian.

"It's time to do your face, we will pick out a dress after." Nat tells me as she picks up her make-up kit.

"You don't have to, it's the first date plus there's three hours and thirty minutes left until the date." I sigh as she picks up eyeliner.

"Exactly, it's the first date, you want to impress Lara." Nat replies with a smirk on her face.

"But there's still three hours." I groan as she starts to apply the eyeliner.

"Three hours to perfect your make-up and dress, you can text Faye later." Nat says sternly.

"You're chauffeuring me to the restaurant right?" I ask her.

"Yes now stay still." She instructs as she grips the bottom of my cheeks.


(5pm: 2 hours before the date.)

I exit the wardrobe fully dressed with make-up, my hair done up and now in a black dress. "Oh boy. Lara is going to be drooling when she sees you." Nat tells me from her bed with a smirk on her face.

"Have you been in contact with her?" I ask her, sitting down on the edge of Nat's bed.

"She should be at the restaurant already, she should be getting everything ready." Nat answers me. "Faye texted you by the way." Nat nods at my phone resting on the bedside drawer.

"Thanks." I answer with a smile, I lean over and pick my phone up, unlocking it and going to my message chat with Faye.

Hey, have you been in contact with Lara? I texted her after my shift ended an hour ago but she hasn't responded.

Nat told me that she should be at the restaurant getting our date ready but if that was the case then she would've texted you.

I tried calling her but it went to voicemail, can you ask Jarvis where she is?

Sure, just give me a second.

I look up from my phone and to the roof. "Hey, Jarvis?" I ask.

"Yes Ms. Maximoff?" Jarvis responds.

"Do you know where Lara is?" I question the AI.

"I'm sorry Ms. Maximoff but you are not allowed to know that." Jarvis answers, making Nat look up from her phone in confusion.

"Why is that?" I ask now slightly worried.

"That information is classified." Jarvis states, I look at Nat with worried eyes.

"Jarvis, where is Lara?" Nat speaks up as she puts her phone down.

"No one is allowed to know Ms. Romanoff." Jarvis answers the redhead.

"I'm sure she's at the restaurant." Nat says, looking down from the roof and at me.

"Uh. I-uh. Yeah." I stutter now worried.

"Did Faye text you about it?" Nat asks me. I nod at her. "Text Faye about this, don't lie to her." She informs me.

"Uh. Okay." I reply, looking down at my phone again.

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