Chapter 31- No Way It's That Funny.

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(1 week later)

(Lara's Pov)

It's been a whole week since I went to Faye's house and we made amends with each other. It felt nice doing that because I can actually talk face to face or over calls as well as face time Faye. We talk every two days, she invited me over for lunch yesterday.

I gave Wanda both Faye's number and the container that Faye told me to give her. Wanda kept asking if she could play my guitar which I always said yes to but I ended up making one for her out of two pillows like I did the first time, my powers haven't been freaking out so far which is good.

Back to Wanda and I, we have been hanging out more, the only times we don't are when we are training or if we are doing two separate things, I am watching The Office with her since she told me that Sitcoms are one of her favourite things. We fell asleep in her bed once but that was last week when I came home from Faye's.

We both wear the bracelets Nat gave us mainly because of two reasons. One, They look good and two. Three days ago we walked into training without the bracelets on and we received an earful From Nat while Steve laughed in the background, keep in mind that she yelled at us for 30 minutes then made us go back, put the bracelets on then come back to begin training.

"Lara?" Wanda asks, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, Wan?" I reply, looking at her.

"I have been practising for my L's... Can we go? I booked an appointment for today." She answered.

"How did you get an appointment? They take like 3 months." I say confused.

"I booked the day after you went on about it." She replies. "I don't know how I got it so early." She continues, shrugging her shoulders.

"Alright, well we need to leave now, we will take one of Tony's faster cars." I say, standing up off the couch and offering Wanda my hand, she grabs it with a smile on her face as I pull her up.

We walk to the elevator door in a comfortable silence as we enter and I press the button for the garage. "Are you ready?" I ask her with a smile on my face.

"I'm kinda nervous, I know I did the practice test heaps of times but only being able to fail one question is scary." She says shooting me a small smile that showed how nervous she was.

"You'll be fine, I will wait outside the room as well, if you need an answer to a question just ask me through telepathy." I nudge her side with a smile.

"That's cheating." Wanda states, unimpressed.

"I'm not going to actually give you the answers." I say as the elevator doors open, exiting the elevator I speak into the air. "Jarvis, can you give us the keys to Tony's fastest car?" I question into the air.

A drawer slides open without hesitation, I pick the key up and walk over to the cars. "Which is it?" Wanda questions me, looking at all the supercars.

I click the button, and the sound of a car unlocking and the lights flickering on before going off again alerts us as to where the car is, I look at the source seeing a McLaren F1 supercar and making a wide smile appear across my face. "That one." I point to the car as I make my way over.

Approaching the side of it, I run my hand along the white paint. "We are going to be there in no time." I say, looking up at Wanda as I walk to the door and open it, sliding in.

I insert the keys as Wanda enters and shuts the door, putting her seat belt on. I quickly shut my door and put my seat belt on then turn the keys, igniting the engine and hear the engine begin to roar. "Oh yeah, this is it." I state as I lightly press my foot on the accelerator and exit the garage as I listen to the engine purr.

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