Chapter 13- They Gave Me A Purpose.

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(???'s Pov)

I walked through the hallways after blasting some man that had a shield that had the colours of the American flag. I heard stories of a man that was called Captain America that stopped a ship full of bombs by crashing it into the ocean. The gesture made people stop fighting as much. Of course, wars were still fought but it just wasn't as often.

I heard a scream echo through the corridors that were filled with silence before hearing someone say. "Oh, my god. I'm sooo sorry I didn't mean to do that. Are you okay?" A voice answered to the scream. It was a light voice that sounded like it belonged to someone that was roughly mine and Pietro's age. The voice spoke again. "I think you lost something let me put it back before helping you." It became silent the only thing that was heard was the sound of something smacking against the ground.

"You gotta admire the dedication to his beliefs." The person thought. Their thoughts sounded nice, it was like a breath of fresh air compared to all of the thoughts of the guards that I had to deal with.

I poked my head around the corner seeing the person who was starting to walk away, I connected the voice and thoughts to the woman, she had long light brown hair that curled at the end of it. From what I could see she was my height, she was wearing a black suit that had a belt with a pistol on the left side tucked into a holster.

I turned around the corner and quickly but silently walked up to the girl, stepping over the body of the ground that laid face down with blood dripping from what looked like the neck. Turning my attention back to the woman that was in front of me with their back turned to me, I raised my left arm to the side of their head next to the temple.

I didn't get to use my powers because as if supernaturally she turned around, grabbing my left arm, my face contorting into one of shock. The girl scanned my body before looking at me in the eyes. I felt the energy that was flowing through my arm to retreat causing my eyes to go from a focused and tensed expression to a soft and surprised expression. I looked at her eyes, they were a light hazel colour that softened from their angry and protective feature to a soft one like mine.

In an instant the surrounding scenery changed from the dim hallways to a beach for a second then changed to a busy street and a tall tower next to us, I could hear honking and beeping for a second before it faded out and making us end up on a hill. The wind that blew on the hill was nice and cold as the sun sat happily in the sky. One last time we changed areas as I felt the familiar feeling of sand under my shoes and the same beach we were at the first time the scenery changed.

We stood there for a second staring at each other before my attention was diverted to our hands as she still held my wrist. My powers shot out red viny tendrils as they flew to her hand but not doing anything aggressive. It just sat next to her hand flowing around it before they connected themselves to her arm.

Without any warning or idea as to what was happening, we were both pushed back by a sudden force. The girl's arm ripping from mine as we both fell backwards from the sudden force that came from the middle of us. I felt my back hit the coarse sand below me as it entangled itself into my hair.

I was stunned for a second. My mind racing from the unexpected push. I felt an arm wrap under my hip around my back pulling me up so my back wasn't touching the rough sand, I looked up to see that the woman had already gotten up and came over to me and try to help me up. She was directly in front of me releasing her hold on my back so I could sit up properly.

In an act of self-defence and not wanting to be forced backwards again by whatever happened. I push my powers to my hand forming a crimson red ball in my hand and pushing it to her chest forcing my powers to release with such force that it sent her flying back even further, her body rolling along the sand from the harsh landing against the sand.

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