Chapter 27- You Cheeky Minx.

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"Hey." Maximoff said softly from the door.

"Hey." I reply, looking at the TV.

"What are you watching?" She questioned from the doorway.

"Friends." I answer softly.

"Jarvis told me that you wanted to see me?" She questioned leaning on the door frame.

I pat the bed in response, her eyes focusing on it with hesitation. "I'm not gonna blast you across a beach." I tell her chuckling slightly. I look away not wanting her to see the hurt I had from her hesitation.

"But you could teleport me across the world and leave me there." I hear Maximoff say with the sound of footsteps slowly approaching.

"I wouldn't do that." I say, still not looking at her.

"Why? Because you like me?" She questions, my head snapping towards her, shaking it with a red tint on my cheeks.

"No, no, no, no. I don't like you. I mean I do but I don't like you like that." I say, slightly panicking.

"Like what?" She says with a smirk.

"Like in the sense that I don't like you ro-" I cut myself off. "You cheeky minx." I say, pointing at her.

She laughs in response. "You caught on." She replies, sitting down next to me on the bed, her laughter dying down.

There was a comfortable silence but for me the air felt tense because I wanted to apologize to her. "Wanda, about earlier. I'm sor-" I try speaking but get cut off by Wanda.

"Don't apologize. What happened earlier was both of our fault. I shouldn't have pushed about your parents." She tells me looking me straight in the eyes, it was only now that I realised how entrancing her green eyes were.

"Wanda. I didn't mean to say what I said about your parents." I tell her shaking my head slightly.

"We both said things we didn't mean." She replies to me.

"What you said about me hunting the soldier down... It was right, I haven't shut the door to my past fully... I need to find the four people that were responsible for my parent's death and trying to break me." I say to her, my face containing a resolved expression.

"Do you have any information about Rigger?" She questions me.

I have a three-letter number, I don't want to tell her that but I want to be truthful to her. "Lara?" Wanda questions me.

"Uhh, no l couldn't find anything." I hesitate but end up lying to her. "I didn't mean what I said about comparing our parents..." I tell her truthfully

"I know you didn't. I didn't mean to get angry at you for not being able to control your powers, it wasn't right." Maximoff replies to me with a sad smile.

Wanda and I fell into a comfortable silence as she turned to look at the TV, I couldn't stop looking at her, my eyes fixated on her for the next thirty seconds. "It's rude to stare." Maximoff teases but not turning to look at me.

I didn't stop, I just kept staring. Gears in my head were turning before they stopped on one thought and made me speak. "If we could be friends, I would like that..." I say to Maximoff, her head swivelling towards me with a small smile.

"Friends? You don't want to be more? From what Nat told me it sounded like you want to be more." Maximoff teases, her smile changing into a smirk.

"Nat is a Russian spy, it's easy for her to lie Maximoff." I reply to the smirking Sokovian.

"Now that we're friends you can't call me Maximoff, you have to call me Wanda." She replies to me, dropping her smirk and putting on a normal smile.

"Okay." I say, nodding my head at her.

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