Chapter 80- You Aren't Twiney.

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(Loop 17)

Exiting my bedroom, my Dad's voice speaks up. "Here she is, how was playing the guitar?" He questions.

"I'm stuck in a loop, a guy named Thatcher is about to come up here and knock on the door saying 'Excuse me miss, we just want to talk.' If you don't believe me, you can wait for it to happen." I reply, walking over to the knife holder that sat on the kitchen counter.

"What?" My Dad questions, his face blank.

"A guy is on his way to drug me." I tell him, grabbing a knife and walking towards the door.

"What are you going on about Lara? Put the knife down." My Mum says, moving towards me.

"I'm not your Lara, I'm not even meant to be here. You want me to prove it to you? Could your Lara do this?" I ask, beginning to flip the knife in my hand.

"Lara, what happened?" My Dad asks.

Catching the knife I had thrown, I look at my parents. "I'm stuck in a loop, I can't leave, I don't know how to, I don't have my powers in here and I'm eventually going to become so numb that I'm going to see you two die in front of me." I respond.

"What's gotten into you?" My Mum asks, her face covered in concern.

"What's gotten into me?" I repeat, laughing lightly. "I'm stuck repeating this one moment of my life that I tried so hard to run away from, the part that I so desperately hoped would've gone differently from how it did before but every time, I realise that I'm never ever going to be able to escape it." I tell them, raising my hands to my head, moving the knife away from my face.

"Did someone do something?" Mum's voice asks.

"A guy named Thatcher." I tell her.

"Okay, when did it happen?" Dad questions.

"It's gonna happen in a few seconds." I respond.

"What do you mean?" Dad asks.

"Right about now." I say, pointing to the door as a knock on the door makes itself clear.

"Excuse me miss, we just want to talk." Thatcher's voice speaks.

"You gonna try and sell me girl scout cookies?" I ask, sticking my knife in the wall before opening the door.

"We can lead you to some if you come with us." Thatcher responds.

"Nah, I'm good." I respond.

"It's not really a choice." Thatcher replies, moving his hand downwards.

Without hesitation, I reach down, snatching his gun before he gets a chance to react. "Did your mother never teach you to not play with firearms?" I ask him, shooting him in the leg.

Thatcher's groans echo through the air before the other soldiers all pull out their weapons. "Ouch." I say, shooting three of the soldiers behind him before the gun gets knocked out of my hands by a katana. "Oh, come on." I huff, quickly taking the knife out of the wall and throwing it at Rigger's head, sticking it in like a dart.

The two remaining soldiers aim their guns at me. "Put your hands up!" One shouts, their voice strict.

Raising my hands, I step over Thatcher's body on the ground. "Okay, okay, let's calm down." I say, standing between the two soldiers.

"Stop talking!" The one behind me shouts.

"Jeez, excessive much." I respond.

"Hands behind your back!" The one in front shouts.

"Alright." I say, lowering my arms.

The sounds of the soldier behind me pulling out handcuffs jingle as I patiently wait for him to start cuffing me.

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