Chapter 71- She Was Made To Be A Weapon.

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(1 day later)

"Now we wait for the kid." I sigh, taking a seat on the floor.

"What time is it?" Bucky asks me.

"10:30am." I answer him.

"I still can't believe you agreed to the deal that he made." Bucky says, looking away from me and towards the city view.

"Relax, Tony's made him a suit." I wave it off.

"I mean why would you accept it?" Bucky asks, turning his head to look at me.

"He's the only one who can repair the USB." I reply, already bored with Bucky's argument.

"What are we gonna do when we find Wanda?" Bucky asks, turning around to fully face me and leaning back on the roof's parapet.

"Save her?" I answer in a confused tone.

"Really?" Bucky responds sarcastically. "What are you gonna do if it comes to him?" He asks.

"I'll do what I have to." I tell him.

"You're not going to draw a line are you?" Bucky sighs, looking at me with a knowing look.

"Why should I?" I ask him, looking down before looking back up at him, biting the inside of my lip.

"Because you're better than murder." Bucky replies.

"You don't know that." I say.

"Yes. Yes, I do." Bucky responds.

"I tell myself that but look at how many I've killed. One year ago I hadn't murdered anyone." I tell him. "I've murdered at least two dozen."

"You didn't really have a choice." Bucky sighs, getting up from the parapet. "I mean I was the Winter soldier so it can't be as bad as me." He chuckles, walking to me and sitting down next to me.

Silence overtakes both of us. It wasn't awkward or forced, it was natural.

Thoughts began running through my head, scouring from questions to answers. "Did." I start. "Did you ever ask for your powers?" I ask, looking at him.

"At first? No, I never wanted them." Bucky responds. "But over time I've learnt to accept them." He breathes out, turning his head to the sky.

"Have you ever lost control of them?" I ask.

"Well. Considering I have enhanced strength, durability, speed, agility, reflexes and heal slightly faster than others. My answer would be no." He says. "What about you?" Bucky asks, turning to look at me.

I laugh lightly. "I think you know the answer to that."

"Come on, be serious." Bucky nudges me, a smile taking over his face.

Taking a deep breath, I look down for a second before looking back up with a slightly sad expression. "I tell myself that I was chosen for a reason but... That's just a lie, I never wanted it. I have god knows what flowing through my veins. I don't even have full control over it Bucky." I tell him. "You all can continuously use your powers but if I do, I... I flop around useless, unable to do anything the next day." Releasing a sigh, I wait a second before speaking again. "I could've saved her but my powers just stopped responding."

"You know that wasn't your fault." Bucky responds.

"Bucky. I can't control my powers, it has a mind of its own. It chooses when it wants to work or I have to convince it to work." I inform him. "Every time that I've managed to do it in an instant is because I've been in a dangerous situation and it's automatically worked. Hell, my healing works by itself. There have been times when I haven't healed."

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