Chapter 60- The Past Always Finds A Way Of Clawing Back

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(Wanda's Pov)

I sat in a corner chair in the meeting room staring at the centre of the table as the team discussed the predicament that was displayed two hours ago. "She should still be part of the team." Sam argues with a raised voice.

"She failed the test, Sam." Steve responds.

"She took down most of us." Pietro mentions from his seat.

"She failed the whole test, that was the point. She would only join if she beat all of us." Steve insists with a huff. "I would love for her to join the team but we have to stick by the rules that we laid out for it."

"That's not what we did for Wanda and Pietro, Steve." Nat remarks. "Be honest Steve, Lara was able to beat Bucky who cracked a rib from the sounds of it, then beat me and beat Pietro who bruised her hip and her legs." She adds.

"I'm sorry capsicle, but, Lara should be a part of the team, it would make the most sense." Tony speaks up from his position against the wall next to me.

"I know she should but we can't let her." Steve sighs.

"Steve, c'mon, we joined the team because Fury wanted us and Clint retired, it's about time we get new people." Nat attempts to persuade the super soldier.

Steve sits in thought for a bit before releasing a sigh and speaking. "Fine, we'll let her be a part of the team."

"Great!" Tony celebrates. "We'll have a party for her and for it to be announced to the press at the party, we'll have the party as soon as I can get it ready." He informs all of us with a wide smile as he skips out of the room.

"You've been quiet." Pietro taps my shoulder making me finally look up from the table.

"I'm worried, Bruce still hasn't come in after putting Lara in the hospital bed." I tell him, playing with the ends of the jacket that I took from Lara's apartment.

"I'm sure she's fine, she was knocked unconscious by the Hulk to be fair." He replies trying to lighten the situation.

"That doesn't help, especially since I saw him repeatedly punch her." I remind him.

"Lara will be fine, I've seen her be stabbed before." Nat comments, shrugging her shoulders.

"She'll be a part of the team now, you and her can quite literally spend all your time together, I mean you both live on the same floor." Pietro tells me, patting my shoulder. "I'm off to go get food." He says before speeding off to either the fridge or to New York to buy bagels and other food from one street he considered to be heaven on earth since the food apparently melted in your mouth.

"I'll come with you to Lara if you want." Nat offers.

"It's fine, don't worry about it, you and Steve should spend time together, feels like with everything that's been going on in this month, you two haven't done anything." I tell her, standing up from my seat and walking out of the room.

"Oh, snap!" Sam shouts from the room as I make my way to Bruce's lab which extended and served as the med bay.

Opening the door, the smell of medical equipment fills my nose. I blink twice, getting used to the smell before walking into the room and shutting the door behind me. "Bruce?" I question into the air, looking around.

Bruce exits from a different room. "Hey, Wanda. I'm guessing you're here to see Lara?" He says with a smile before looking down at a tablet in his hands.

"Yeah, is she okay?" I ask him, my tone laced with worry.

"She's unconscious right now but you can sit down next to her and wait." He answers me, waving for me to follow and beginning to walk back into the room he exited from. "I moved the beds into here, it's easier for me." He says.

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