Chapter 11- I'm Telling You, She's A Psychic.

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We returned to the tower the next morning taking the same amount of time to arrive than when we left for the base. I stepped off of the jet and walked back inside as Tony yelled behind me. "REMEMBER LARA! SHOWER BEFORE YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT SITTING ON MY COUCHES OR LAYING IN BED! I'M NOT GETTING THOSE SHEETS COVERED IN BLOOD!"

I turned around smiling and yelling back in a playful tone so everyone knew that I was joking "ALRIGHT, DAD! I WON'T COME OUT UNTIL ALL OF IT IS OUT OF MY HAIR AND OFF MY FACE!"

All I heard as I entered was. "YOU BETTER!"

I laughed to myself, making my way down the stairs and walking the same way I walked to originally get to the jet.

I made my way past the living room contemplating whether or not I should lay down on the couch and start wiggling covering everything in blood but ultimately deciding against it.

I walked into the elevator clicking on my floor and waiting for the doors to close, I wanted to get this blood off of me and not smell like it for the next couple of years of my life. I should text Faye but I'll do it after my shower.

The elevator came to a stop as it dinged and opened the door, I quickly exited the elevator not wanting someone to call it and me having to go back down and then go up again because that would've been painful.

Walking down the hallway and entering my room I grab a towel and some spare clothes. God, I need to get some of my clothes I really don't want to keep wearing clothes that say Stark.

I got into the bathroom shutting the door behind me so I don't get steam into my bedroom. Taking off my clothes, I hopped into the shower.

"Hey, Jarvis? Can you turn on Spotify please?" I said as I turned on the water balancing it so it doesn't burn me.

Music starts playing in the background as I start scrubbing myself trying to get the blood off me and out of my hair.


I was in the shower for roughly an hour and a half just scrubbing before I had managed to get all of the blood off but I feel like I smell so much like shampoo and soap.

I laid down on my bed just waiting for the notification if lunch has been made or the notification for that the flash drive that we took was sorted through and if it had the locations for the other bases which it most likely did. I mean Tony did say that there was a lot more data on it than the usual bases they raided.

That was my first mission with them and may I say that it was so entertaining besides the part where I was shot. Running around the base and using the trees to hide and as cover so I didn't get shot anymore, the person I stabbed in the eye. That was so cool to me because I had never done something like that before, I mean sure it was gross and gorey but it was still really cool. Mainly because the Avengers wanted me to help them plus I was able to get revenge on Hydra.

I stayed in bed watching something random I put on the TV. I was enjoying the movie but I was cut off from my thoughts when my phone dinged and vibrated on the bedside drawer next to me. I leaned over to my right side groaning as I reached for my phone that was laying on the wooden desk. My eyes widened as I realised that I forgot to text Faye that I was okay. Shit. Quickly, I entered my password and opened the message tab and saw the latest message that I had received.

Fazey Wazey🥺:

Lars Bars🍫:
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you. I forgot to respond to you after I had gotten back on the jet. I'm fine along with the whole team. The base was destroyed, there are four bases left. The one we had destroyed was a base that contained more information than the others according to the team.

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