Chapter 58- Lifted Up To Be Slammed.

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"Now it's Bucky's turn." Nat says from the side.

I look over, seeing Bucky already looking at me as he steps into the ring. "Hey, Buck." I greet excitedly.

"Hey, L." He responds with a monotone voice.

"Okay." I say, getting ready for this round.

The bell dings in the background imitating the fight, Bucky starts off by punching with his right arm, I duck under it at the last second, not expecting the match to start straight away.

I connect a right hook to Bucky's right hip, backing off to prevent Bucky from countering.

Bucky stares at me for a few seconds before punching my stomach with his metal arm at full force, knocking me back and knocking the wind out of me. I struggle to catch my breath, slowly steadying myself again. I don't get time to catch it as Bucky punch's my left leg with his metal arm forcing me to silence the groan I was about to release. "Calm down." I pant, still trying to get air.

Bucky's face changes into one of pure focus as he grabs the front of my shirt, pulling me towards him and kneeing me in the stomach. Bucky reaches around me, grabbing the back of my shirt, lifting me in the air and slamming me down onto the mat.

I release a huge gasp of pain, my face against the mat as I push myself up slowly but get stomped on by Bucky and slammed back against the mat. "Fuck." I huff.

Bucky grips my shirt again, lifting me up into the air again and slamming me back into the mat over and over again.


(Wanda's pov)

"We have to stop this, this isn't fair." I say to the others.

"Anything goes Wanda. Lara has to give up if she wants it to end." Bruce informs me as he begrudgingly watches the onslaught that Bucky's releasing on Lara.

"She's not going to give up." I exclaim, looking away from the fight.

"We have to wait, we can't interfere." Steve shrugs, holding his stomach lightly as Nat looks at his lip.

"He's going to kill her. We don't even know why he's mad at her." I raise my voice slightly, annoyed with what was happening.

"Well, she's the one that wants to join the team." Nat responds.

"Wanda, I don't like it either but we have to wait, we're basically people at football stadiums, we can't interfere with the ongoing game." Tony speaks up with a disapproving tone.

I look back at the fight, my face widening with worry as I spot Lara once again in the air.


(Lara's pov)

I groan in pain as Bucky lifts me into the air again. "Give. Up." He says, slamming me back down onto the mat.

"Never." I groan against the mat, reaching my arm out, attempting to crawl away as I feel Bucky begin picking me up again and holding me in the air like Bane from Batman.

I take a deep breath, ready to try and escape the grasp that Bucky has on me.

"You won't win." He says, holding me fully in the air now.

Before Bucky gets a chance to slam me down, I elbow him in the face twice, forcing him to drop onto the mat, landing on my knees with a slight groan as Bucky holds his face in pain with his normal arm.

I stand up, facing away from Bucky, hearing him groan before a footstep is heard from behind me. I put all my focus into a backflip and Pelé kick Bucky's head, his body stumbling back for a second before I land on the mat, collapsing against it for a second before picking myself back up. I can't win this, the only way I can is if I pull a rabbit out of my ass and end up winning the lottery.

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