Chapter 83- Back To Reality.

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(Nat's Pov)
(30 minutes ago)

"Cap, you gonna start explaining the plan?" Bruce questions, slightly nervous.

"Yeah, I'll start now." He replies. "Jarvis, pull up whatever you've found out about this base."

"Very well sir." Jarvis responds as a hologram appears in the middle of the jet. "The base is protected by a bunker door that opens and closes from the inside, it is covered by a flat terrain that is covered by the Nevada hills. The base extends further into the ground and is layered with a material that I am unable to scan through but I was able to access the cameras, gain blueprints and produce a hologram of it." Jarvis states.

"At least you got it." Steve responds. "Alright, here's the plan, since this is Hydra and Thatcher's running this base we're going to have to be more cautious. We'll have to play both defence and offence. All of us are going to start clearing out soldiers, when there's an opening Nat and Bucky will go inside the base and start dealing with the remaining soldiers. Stark will find any ports or anything to download the data that they have at this base. Hulk, Hawkeye, Sam, Parker, Pietro and I will all stay outside, clearing the soldiers and ensuring that they are always having pressure put on them." He explains. "Everyone got that part?" He questions.

"Yeah." We all respond.

"Good, after the reinforcements start dying down, Nat and Bucky are going to go searching for Lara and Wanda, always checking their back and not being ambushed. Stark's going to join them after he downloads the drive. If Thatcher's there we all let the others know, no one takes him on by themselves. Nat and Bucky are going to give Lara and Maximoff comms so they aren't left clueless, we'll shut down the base and put an end to Hydra whether it's forever or temporarily." Steve continues, making eye contact with us all.

"Should we not have gotten Thor before we left?" Peter speaks up.

"I contacted him but he's off-world so there's a chance that he might come." Stark answers the teenager.

"Why shouldn't we take him on by ourselves?" Pietro questions, his expression meshed together with a range of emotions.

"We're not sure of what he's able to do, we don't know if he's done anything to himself." Steve answers.

"Why can't I go inside? I could search the whole base within a few seconds." Pietro asks.

"Having your speed outside would help because you can disarm any soldier in an instant, if you go inside we aren't sure what he's done if he's made traps for you." Tony answers. "I recommend if you aren't ready, you get ready because we land in thirty minutes." He states.


(Lara's Pov)

My eyes shoot open as I gasp in, my body face down on the ground. "Holy shit, it's been two hours, give in already!" Thatcher's voice makes itself clear, shouting over Wanda's screams.

The buzzing feeling in my head suddenly vanishing, my body shooting up without a choice. "Hello." His voice speaks as my body raises into the air.

My head shoots up, Wanda's screams echoing through the air, her magic storming through the room. Something overtakes me, my body shooting into a starfish position, scarlet magic forcefully exiting my body like an explosion.

My body falls onto the ground, barely catching myself on one knee. "That did not feel nice." I breathe in, shaking my head, my mind now in a state of peace and normalcy.

"Quantum?" Thatcher's voice speaks up from above.

My head shoots up to him, my eyes turning into daggers. "Thatcher." I speak, getting up from the ground.

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