Chapter 34- Piecing Together The Clues That Were Gathered.

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(Lara's Pov)

A flash of light brought me out of my slumber making me groan, my eyes flutter open to see Nat standing at the end of the bed, holding her phone in her hands with a grin on her face. "Hey." She whispers as she takes another photo.

My eyes death staring her. "Another photo and I'll kill you." I say to her.

She grins and takes another photo, ignoring what I said and exiting the room with a grin. I tried standing up to chase after her but am pulled back by two arms around my waist that I had only just realised were there, the person who had their arms around me groaned before starting to release light snores.

I carefully turn around and see Wanda cuddling against me with strands of hair covering parts of her face. If Nat hadn't taken a photo I probably would stay like this but I need to also go see Tony about something. Lightly grabbing both of her wrists I release the hold on my waist and slide out of bed, I drop Wanda's arms back down carefully making sure that she doesn't wake, reaching for the bed sheets, I pull it up and push the strands of hair out of Wanda's face so it doesn't irritate her.

Releasing a content sigh, I walk out of the room, lightly shutting the door behind me getting one last look of the brunette before it shuts. "Jarvis, is Tony in his lab?" I question the AI as I walk to the elevator.

"Mr. Stark is with Mr. Rogers and Ms. Romanoff on the fifth floor, Ms. Twiney." Jarvis informs me.

"Thanks." I say into the air, entering the elevator and clicking the fifth floor.

I stand in the elevator for several seconds before the doors open revealing the three spread out along the couches. "Wassup everybody?" I say, raising my hands in the air and standing behind the couch that Nat was laying down on.

"Lara Twiney, what you did yesterday was irrational and dangerous." Tony says, pointing at me with a serious face.

"I was fine." I say to him with a smirk on my face. "If I died, Wanda would find a way to revive me and kill me over and over." I shrug.

Tony's serious face morphs into a grin. "You aren't wrong there, what did you come here for?" Tony questions me.

"Where is Pietro?" I question now realising that Pietro wasn't here.

"He's doing laps outside." Nat says from below as I nod.

"Okay, so yesterday that soldier I teleported away, he gave me information about where two of them were, he said one was in Las Vegas visiting the Bellagio casino every weekend. The other one is in Chicago, he visits the Navy Pier every two days." I inform the three of them, folding my arms as I talk.

"So we have the location of two Hydra agents." Steve says.

I nod at him. "Yeah, we have the location of two." I repeat, looking at him before turning to Tony. "Hey Tony, there's a kid. He goes around swinging on webs, his name is Spi-" I'm cut off from speaking by Tony.

"Spider-Man, I know. I've been keeping an eye on him for the past couple of weeks, I know where he lives, I'm going to visit him later and get him to join the team, he can live on the floor with Rhodey and I but it won't be every day that he stays here." Tony says, waving his finger around.

"Soon, we have to go after the two." I say, nodding at the three.

"We could go next month." Nat recommends making all of us look at her.

"Why? That would give them the chance of running away." I question her.

"If we go next month, we can analyse their movement patterns, where they live, if they have backup and if they still make deals with people." Nat says, looking around the room at the three of us.

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