Chapter 42- Figuring Out The True Message.

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A/N: Watched Across The Spider-Verse and it is fucking amazing. I love the first but this one is just so much better in my opinion. If you're one of those people who hate it because of it's ending. Just remember the story was too big to be told in one part and that's why there's 2 parts. Stop tryna be different and say you dislike it.
Anyway, Enjoy the chapter :)

It was currently 7pm, I spent the past 5 hours going through Tony's speech trying to make sense of it but nothing worked, I couldn't figure it out. I tried everything, I tried seeing if his face changed when speaking, I tried looking for abnormalities in the speech but all of it is weird. I tried searching up what Tony tried saying but no one knew. It's so annoying. How is this harder than the riddle that Rigger gave Quister? That answer wasn't even that helpful, all I know is that the person Rigger is with controls black widow spiders.

The library shuts at 10pm so I need to figure this out before then. I stare at the paper scanning the words, Tony's first sentence attracts my attention. "What are numbers even done as?" I mumble to myself repeatedly but slow down as I repeat. "What are numbers done as?" I mumble before I grab my pen and write on the bottom. "W. A. N. D. A." I gasp. "Holy shit! I did it." I say with a huge smile.

Now you might be wondering how I got Wanda from What are numbers even done as? Well, I took the first letter from each word in the first sentence and put them together getting Wanda. Now, I just need to do that for every sentence.

I write down every first letter from each word and put it into a coherent sentence. "Wanda, she took off her bracelet. Don't come back until next year, if she finds you, she will kill you. Be on the lookout for Spider-Man." I read it out excitedly with a smile at first but have it gradually decrease as I read it. She took off the bracelet... I shouldn't come back until next year. I'm going to guess that she's going to be looking for me so she can get answers out of me for why I ditched her. She is going to be furious if she is face to face with me, I shouldn't even say 'if 'since she is going to be so determined to find me.

I have to be on the lookout for Spider-Man as well. How am I even going to find him? I'm constantly going to be on the news so I won't be able to do anything. What am I going to tell Faye? Where am I going to go? I don't have my phone to call anyone. My powers won't work so I don't have a mode of transportation either. Actually, I could go to Faye's workplace, I never explained where she works, she works at a cafe. Well, she doesn't work there, she owns it but she does a lot of shifts so her employees can relax because they have a bunch of tests for their university. Faye mostly hires people from 18-24 years old because it gives them a chance to be social and have a reference for a future job, she does have people that are the same age as her or older.

I'll visit her in three days just so I can let the heat from the news go down a  bit. The only hope I have is that over the next three days, nobody visits my apartment because if they do then that would be awkward.


(Wanda's Pov)
(1pm right after Tony's speech)

Stark walks through the living room door. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT STARK?!" I shout at him furious.

"What was what?" He questions me nervous as his posture straightens.

"God, I don't know? That speech?" I scoff at him. "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO TELL LARA TO COME BACK!" I shout again, my accent slipping out

Steve quickly gets up off the couch and stands in front of me with his hands on my shoulders. "Wanda, calm down." He says.

My gaze drifts from Stark to Steve. "Calm?" I ask him in a monotone voice.

"Yes." State nods at me. "We have to approach this calmly, we can't let our emotions get the best of us."

I take a deep breath. "Stark, if you find Lara and you don't tell me, you're going through three walls, it doesn't matter if you have your little armour or not." I hiss at him, walking away and towards the elevator.

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