Chapter 23- You Aren't Invincible Like You Think You Are.

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Today. Today is the day. My plan for the Maximoffs comes down to this, I know what you might be thinking. "What about the boy? You haven't interacted with him at all so why should he believe you?" The reason for that is because I know that the girl is probably less stubborn than the boy. Guaranteed, every time we have interacted so far I have ended up on my back or resulted in my torso becoming injured. But I knew, mostly hoped that she told her brother about what I told her or about our past interactions.

"Ms. Twiney, the team are waiting for you in the jet." Jarvis said, knocking me out of my thoughts.

"Thanks, Jarvis." I say as I exit the bathroom after washing my face and walking to the door for the elevator. "Where is the jet?" I ask into the air as I enter the elevator, waiting for an answer so I can click the right floor and not a random one.

"It is on the second floor, there is a door that's next to the meeting room that connects to the hangar. Ms. Twiney." Jarvis replies, allowing me to click the button for the second floor.

"Thank you, Jarvis." I say as the elevator opens allowing me to exit and start walking to the hangar.

Walking through the doors, I walk past the meeting room and walk to the door next to it, opening the door I was met with the sight of Tony standing there holding a suit that I recognised as my new one.

"Here you go Nat V2, you get your suit which is just hers but a tiny bit different." He says to me as he chucks it at me and points to the side of the jet where you wouldn't be visible.

"Thanks, I will go change." I say to him with a smile and walk around the side of it. I take off my shirt and pants and slip into the suit. It was a nice fit, wasn't too tight but it wasn't loose so I wouldn't be able to fight. I walked into the jet and sat down on the left side of the jet.

"Alright, team we have four hours until we arrive at the final base. This is going to be an accomplishment to never forget." Tony says from the front of the jet standing next to Clint who took off and started flying the jet.

"We still have to protect the world but having Hydra out of the game will be a major chess piece of the board, when Lara convinces the Maximoffs we will have two more additions." Steve says as he walks past me patting my shoulder.

"Two more?" I ask him with a raised eyebrow.

"You are the first addition, Guaranteed we have to make you spare against each of us one time." Steve says to me with a smile.

"You're fucking with me." I say to him, my voice filled with giddiness.

"Language!" Tony shouts from the front of the jet causing Steve to turn around and try to hide a smile.

Steve turns back to me shaking his head. "Yeah, you have proved that you are capable of joining the team. Helping us defeat a dangerous organisation that has lived for over 70 years is proof that you would make a good Avenger."  He says to me with a smile.

"Holy shit! I get to be an Avenger." I say excited. I get to be an Avenger! This is everyone's dream! If Captain America came up to you in the middle of the street in his suit and asked you for a selfie, you would say yes but if he asked you to be an Avenger. That is a completely different scenario.

"You will spar with the team after the Maximoffs, it's going to take a while so we won't do it immediately, we'll allow you to train for a while. Especially the Maximoffs since they will be in a new place away from their home country." Steve says to me.

"Aren't they away from Sokovia right now?" I ask him confused. They haven't been in Sokovia since I teleported the girl. The boy probably could have ran them across the ocean back to their country but that clearly wasn't what happened.

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