Chapter 51- Finally Face To Face With Demons.

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Quick A/N: Thanks for the 624 reads everyone :)

I feel my body loosen from its tense state before my eyes flutter open and my head shoots up as I heavily cough trying to grasp for any source of air. "Fuck." I croak out as I finally catch a breath of air.

"She's awake." I hear a male voice speak up, I look at the source of the sound seeing that it was a man sitting on a backwards chair looking at me. "I don't think we've met properly, I'm Rigger." He says with a grin on his face.

I try launching my body forward but am stopped by my hands being bound by handcuffs that were wrapped around a metal support beam, I try launching forward again, my body overtaken by rage and hate for the person sitting in front of me.

"Feisty." Rigger jokes. "It's been almost four years now." He states.

"I'm going to kill you." I hiss with venom as I try to escape the handcuffs that were holding me against the pole.

"You still have that fire." He grins. "I'm impressed, there has only been one other person who has found me before but I killed them and I'm going to do the same to you." He informs me as he stands up from the chair and walks over to me.

I maintain eye contact with him as I take a deep breath. "The difference between me and that person is that they almost killed you with the rage they had. I'm going to kill you." I hiss at him as I stop pulling at the cuffs and press my right hand's middle finger against the cuff.

"I don't think so." Rigger chuckles at me as he bends down in front of me, reaching up with his left hand and holding the bottom of my chin, turning my head left and right before making me look at him. "Those serums worked surprisingly well." He states as he forces my head upwards, banging it against the metal pole and walking back to the chair.

The pain vanishes in an instant from my healing like my powers were working overtime. "I can't wait for you to have the fear in your eyes that I heard so much about." I grin at him. I scan the surroundings, from what it looked like, it was a training room.

"You won't kill me, you won't get me anywhere near to being beaten." Rigger says in a cocky tone.

"You're so egotistical, more egotistical than Tony." I chuckle.

"I'm not egotistical, I just know that I will survive this since I have lived every other." He remarks.

"That's the literal definition of egotistical." I tell him.

"You wanna know where your friends are?" Rigger questions me.

"Technically, I'm friends with Natasha and Yelena, I'm not friends with their parents since Melina cut off a pig's breath and pretty much tortured it and Alexei is okay, he isn't a very good father but he's okay." I correct Rigger as he sits down in his chair again.

"Natasha and Alexei are in cells, Yelena is going to be a patient and Melina betrayed you." Rigger informs me.

I shrug my shoulders. "They have a plan." I tell him.

"None of you will leave this place." He remarks with a confident tone.

"Mmm, that's what they all say." I inform him.

"You and I, we're the same, Lara." Rigger says as he wags his finger, pointing at both of us.

I roll my eyes and sigh. "We are? Please tell me how we are."

"The backstory of a hero and a villain both start with pain." He answers me.

"You became a villain because of pain? What pain did you have to go through? Crying at the furnace scene in Toy Story 3? I didn't cry at that, it's weird but I mean eh, what can you do." I joke.

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